Here’s a useful tool to calculate the cost of Usury on a loan based on annuities: regular equal payments over a period. It for instance calculates the cost of Usury on a mortgage at any given principal/interest rate/period.
It’s a simple excel sheet that allows you to change Principal, number of payments and Interest Rates.
It can be found permanently at the Resource Page.
Many thanks to Sjaak Adriaanse.
Here goes: annuity

While hiding behind Jewry, the ‘Illuminati’ are in reality Satanists. They are rebelling against God, like most of us are. The New World Order exists to show us where this rebellion must in extremis lead to.
By The Transparent Unicorn for Real Currencies and The Transparent Unicorn
Many alternative media bloggers and commentators often feel uncomfortable with addressing the “politically incorrect” aspects of the war the elites are waging against humanity. They would prefer to focus only on the technical or material aspects, such as the mathematical instability of our monetary system, or on possible reforms of the political system, which they consider to be the core issues.
On the one hand, their arguments are sensible. It is possible to objectively demonstrate, for instance, that our monetary system is dysfunctional and mathematically unstable regardless of who controls it. Moreover, by doing so without referring to subjective viewpoints, the argument is made more accessible to a wide variety of readers, regardless of their religious or political views. In that sense, bringing in a spiritual or ideological dimension may indeed dilute the message and render it less palatable to some people.
On the other hand, this approach leads to a narrow perspective whose usefulness is limited to topics that are accessible to mathematical inquiry. It ignores the inextricable connections between money, power, economic theories and political ideologies. In fact, it is artificial to try to separate the monetary issues from other aspects. Some of us may prefer do it out of intellectual convenience but in reality everything is tied together.
The truth is that the Zionist-Pharisaic-Talmudist-Kabbalist-Sabbatean-Satanist conspiracy (acronym ZPTKSS) is spiritual in its essence. The end goal of these evil forces is to corrupt humanity. Of course, humans always had the potential to be corrupted, but these ideologies are justifying and glorifying this corruption by emphasizing the love of money and material possessions, by focusing on terrestrial glory instead of spiritual development, on mechanical sexuality instead of love, and, most importantly, on the desires of the ego instead of those of the Creator.
These latter aspects could perhaps be safely ignored if the ZPTKSS conspiracy had only corrupted our monetary system. But this is far from being the case. Science has been hijacked and used to promote Kabbalist concepts such as the Big Bang and Darwin’s natural selection that were already anticipated by the Zohar in the 12th century. Vaccines were probably a medical fraud from the very beginning. Culture, art, and music have been debased, especially in the last century, to appeal to our lowest instincts. Moral values have been perverted by Satanic tenets. All sorts of social institutions, from families to governments, have been affected, perhaps irrevocably in some cases.
Now, it will be pointed out that without control of the monetary system, the ZPTKSS assault would have been ineffectual. Therefore, the argument goes, by focusing our efforts on the monetary issues, we can ensure that the conspiracy will be rooted out. Of course, if ZPTKSS did not dominate Money Power, it would not have had the means to influence the entire society with its ideas.
Nevertheless, this argument is dangerously misguided. It is precisely because of the ideologies and moral values that it promotes that ZPTKSS and its adherents went on to dominate Money Power and world politics, not the reverse. Indeed, it is because of this ideology that there is a Money Power. It is a symptom of the ZPTKSS domination that we live in a world where usury is not only accepted but justified, and where the virtual representation of wealth under all its guises (gold, fiat currencies, shares, bonds) controls real labor and productivity, instead of merely facilitating it. People must not only understand what is wrong about our monetary system, but also realize that there should not be a Money Power in the first place.
In order to achieve this, we must fight this battle on two fronts: 1) to educate people about monetary issues and to try to change the system, but also and equally importantly 2) to get them to realize how their values have been distorted and inverted so as to make them willing servants of Money Power. Addressing only the technical and mathematical aspects of our monetary system while ignoring the prevalence of materialistic values will only get us halfway there.
Doubtlessly, some readers will interpret this essay as consisting merely of “racist” rhetoric under another guise and criticize what they consider to be a demagogic attempt to blame a particular group of people. But this is a grave misunderstanding.
In the end this is not about Zionism, or Jews, or Jesuits, or Satanists, it is about humanity “rediscovering” truth and finding its moral compass. But the truth is that we are currently waging a spiritual war with powerful forces that are bent on enslaving us. In order to do this, they must first prevent us from becoming spiritually aware.
Clearly, if we want to win this war, our first assignment is to identify the enemy and understand its strategies. This is a fundamental requirement for any combatant, whether he is involved in a war on the physical plane or on the spiritual one. To avoid any confusion, it is worth reiterating that the advocacy of violence, racism, or supremacist ideologies must be condemned: in fact this plays right into the enemy’s hands by focusing on purely physical aspects. But ignoring the spiritual dimension of this war, or refusing to acknowledge the true nature of the enemy, is akin to marching to the battlefield wearing blinders, with a result that is all too predictable.
The Transparent Unicorn is a long-time commentator on issues related to Money Power and the New World Order conspiracy. Visit his new blog.
Makow: Humanity is Satanically Possessed
Demystifying the ‘Conspiracy’
Yes, the Money Power is Jewish

While annoying with his Zionism and Islam bashing, Geert Wilders is the only real force in Dutch politics resisting the Eurocratic Juggernaut, including its insane austerity drive. This weekend he withdrew his support from Mark Rutte’s cabinet, who today resigned, making new elections inevitable. This could be a major blow to the euro.
By Anthony Migchels for Henry Makow and Real Currencies
Some time back we analyzed Geert Wilders’ American Zionist financial backing and his rabid anti Islam message. In this way he skews his useful anti-immigration message. This is a typical way of controlling opposition: messing up a basically reasonable stance (anti-immigration) with a message unacceptable to the mainstream (islam bashing). So when he allowed the Christian Democrats and the VVD (the Business Party) to form a minority cabinet after the last elections, there was little reason to assume he would have anything useful to add to the traditional parties.
However, over the last eighteen months Geert Wilders proved to be a refreshing addition to Dutch politics. For instance, his concern with erosion of the Dutch nationality through immigration gained more credence when he started resisting the importation of cheap Polish laborers.
Holland, densely populated and with a large part of the labor force inactive and people over forty already considered old and written off does not need workers from elsewhere. Wages in Holland are way too high because Labor is taxed into oblivion and it is no mystery why. As Protocol 20 points out: “Taxation is best covered by a progressive tax on property…..The tax upon the poor man is a seed of revolution and works to the detriment of the state which in hunting after the trifling is missing the big.”
Income tax is just another destabilizing mind control operation by the enemy and the Goyim States are further uprooted by the Problem Reaction Solution methodology: simply solve expensive labor by importing some cheaper wage slaves from elsewhere, at the same time playing the divide and conquer game.
Wilders opened a hotline where people could report on problems with the Polish wokers. This resulted in a major backlash from Europe and the traditional Dutch parties who have cooperated with the Eurocratic agenda in such an utterly blatant way that they can only be considered outright traitors.
During the last few months Wilders also investigated scenarios for a return to the guilder. The traditional parties, all united in slavish support for the euro, use all sorts of unprovable and actually outrageous claims about the necessity of the Dutch participation in the euro, going as far as saying we owe our prosperity to the euro. Utter nonsense of course, Holland has always been one of the richest countries in the world, even before the days of the Amsterdam Empire. Dutch sovereign debt is about as solid as British and German debt, including structurally low interest rates.
Wilders’ investigation concluded a return to the guilder, while nasty, would be much cheaper than remaining on the hook for all the euro’s problems. In doing this Wilders was the only politician with standing breaking through the suffocating pro euro cordon. He was heavily criticized from all sides for his ‘populism’. Nowadays elite politics considers fending for the populace something tasteless.
Over the last few weeks tense negotiations had been going on the Catshuis, the Prime Minister Residence in the Hague. Fourteen billion in new cuts had to be found to comply with demands from Brussels to get the deficit back under 3%, the Maastricht Treaty norm, on top of the eighteen billion that already had been taken out of the budget when the cabinet came to power.
This weekend Wilders scuttled these negotiations and now elections seem necessary, as the VVD and the CDA cannot govern without him and the Labor Party (PvdA) cannot plausibly join the cabinet.
Wilders was absolutely right to do what he did. Not only was the cabinet looking to get the money from the small state pensions (AOW) that every 65+ Dutch pensioner gets, the austerity measures would have tanked the economy.
They were so self destructive that these cuts would have resulted in eight billion less income for the state as a result of collapsing economic activity. This is the disaster that has destroyed Ireland, Portugal and Greece and Wilders is the first in Europe to pull the plug on this insanity.
Without the cuts, though, the deficit will be at a well manageable 3,3 percent. Not what Brussels want, but absolutely not irresponsible, especially during a heavy depression.
The implications of Wilders’ coup could be quite profound. The Netherlands is an important ally for Germany. Usually Dutch politicians take a hard line stance on budget discipline, even more so than the Germans. Now they can no longer. Germany will be even more isolated in Europe when it tries to kick these utterly devastating austerity measures down the throats of the PIIGS.
The Germans are wielding a big stick, keeping all the member states in line, but it is becoming increasingly hard.
Some time back, Cameron vetoed a new European Treaty. This was spun as support for the City. But this is nonsense: the City is the Money Power’s HQ and the euro is a key building block of World Currency. What, I suspect, really happened is that Cameron faced a backbench revolt. By making Cameron look like he was protecting Banker’s perks in the negotiations with Sarkozy and Merkel, the Tory Euroskeptics were made to look like fools. Not that they care, they have been maligned for their nationalism for decades.
Meanwhile, Spain’s economy is unraveling. Its banks are in tatters. It needs hundreds of billions in bailouts and it is unclear where they should come from.
Geert Wilders did indeed create a major problem for the Eurocrats. He might win the elections too, with his heroic stance. He is the only real force in Dutch politics resisting Brussels and the Dutch electorate is quite fed up with many of the EU’s antics.
With Holland for the time being sidelined as an important ally for Germany in maintaining discipline, it will be very hard for the Money Power’s Golem to keep everybody in line.
The euro crisis was never unexpected. Far from it, as discussed on this site earlier, the Eurocrats created the euro knowing it was inevitable. They hoped to use the crisis to force Fiscal Union on the nations. Consolidating power over the national budgets in Europe and thus taking the last hurdle on the way to full blown Political Union.
They are failing. Their European Stability Mechanism won’t be ratified for the time being, not in Holland anyway. This means the Euro Crisis will not subside quickly. It is getting out of control. If Spain gets busted, Italy will be next.
Furthermore, last week it was reported that the IMF now for the first time seems to think the end of the Euro is a real possibility. It stated its demise would result in a deflationary crash. This, it seems, is what the Money Power wants anyway.
So perhaps it is now willing to let go of its pet supranational currency in return for a major global depression. It can then explain afterwards that it was all because the nations were so obstinate.
All this is in the realms of speculation of course. But the demise of the Euro is now for the first time a real possibility.
Dutch Zionist tells Canadians: “Islam a Threat”
The Battle for Europe: will the people or the Euro survive?
Germany, the Money Power’s Golem in Europe
High Treason: the European Stability Mechanism
Stealth EU Nation-Killing Treaty (ESM) must be stopped (by Courtfool)

Far from opposing the New World Order, Germany is implementing the Money Power’s policies in Europe. Its deflationary policies (austerity) are causing the mayhem the Money Power needs for further consolidation of power in the EU, most notably Fiscal Union through the European Stability Mechanism.
By Anthony Migchels for Real Currencies
In many respects Germany is to Europe, what America is to the World: the Money Power’s Golem. The Golem is the soulless mind controlled brute doing the bidding of its handlers in Jewish Folklore.
It is quite a common mistake made by many otherwise reliable commentators to believe Germany is in some way resisting the New World Order. The reason for this is clear: people wrongly equate the Anglo-American Elite with the Money Power, as discussed last week.
The basic issue is that Germany does not allow the ECB to buy up bonds from the peripheral European Nations (the so called PIIGS) who are in trouble and can’t find market players to buy their debt. This is what the Americans want the ECB to do, just as the Federal Reserve Bank has been buying up US Treasury Bonds that the Chinese and Japanese no longer want.
This German stance, while much maligned in Europe itself, can count on much sympathy from many commentators in the Alternative Media. So when Germany is telling Geithner in no uncertain terms to mind his own business with his ‘stupid plans’, many people are elated with this kind of macho theatrics. Just like they adore Putin’s anti-American antics.
What is really going on?
One of the points is that the Fed’s interventions in the Bond market have been severely criticized as being ‘inflationary’ by much of the Alternative Media which is dominated by Austrian Economics and its fascination with the volume of money.
The swashbuckling monetarists at the Bundesbank share much of this kind of ‘volume is everything’ outlook on the monetary.
But the reality is, America is still somewhat independent from the Money Power and the public there would not allow the punitive interest rates and ongoing taxpayer funded bailouts which are the norm in Europe, which has been under the New World Order’s boot for centuries and cannot even think of any other way. That’s why the FED is forced to buy up the US Treasury Bonds at close to zero percent, instead of allowing the Republic to be strangled by 8% bonds, which is probably what the market would have the US pay at this point.
The hyperinflation scare is still much on the minds of many people. It also happens to be one of the major drivers in Germany’s ‘obstinacy’. After all, it is the Weimar inflation of the early 1920’s that is the basic case against money printing.
But ‘hyperinflation’ is indeed just a scare. M1 has been under severe pressure both in the US and in Europe ever since Lehman Brothers went down. The statistics are quite clear.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard recently reported that at this point M1 is growing at a paltry 1,5% per annum in the US and tanking with a very severe -11% per year in Europe’s weaker economies. That’s deflation and depression, not inflation, let alone hyperinflation.
Meanwhile this overrated fear of inflation is destroying the EU and the euro. That may not be so bad, the euro is a disaster anyway, in terms of power centralization, systemic imbalances in a far too big currency region, and loss of national independence and democracy. But the loss to interest payments, already massive even before the crisis, is getting totally out of hand and is destroying not only the European periphery, but also threatening its heartland. And it is not the EU that is paying for this, it is the people. As Ellen Brown reported this week:
“Why not lend the money to the Greek government directly (by the ECB)? Or to the Portuguese government, currently having to borrow money at 11.9%? Or the Hungarian government, currently paying 8.53%. Or the Irish government, currently paying 8.51%? Or the Italian government, who are having to pay 7.06%?”
Such interest rates are not sustainable.
Meanwhile, the Germans themselves are further and further enslaved by debt. They are now already on the hook for maybe as much as €2,1 trillion in guarantees and other liabilities. Many of these will go sour. And eventually all these risks are coming from the banks and are dumped on the hapless taxpayer, who is represented by nobody, notwithstanding the nominal ‘democracy’ that we hear of.
What we basically see is that the Germans and Americans, much like the Keynesians and Austrians are playing, or being played, along the lines of the Inflation vs. Deflation dialectic. People are led to believe the only choices are more debt and associated rising cost for capital and rising prices, or austerity with crashing demand and skyrocketing unemployment, including societal instability. Crucial is the misunderstanding that the problem is debt, while it in reality is all about the interest on the debt. People are so brainwashed to believe interest is unavoidable, it’s really uncanny and sometimes discouraging.
All the talk of Germany ‘resisting the New World Order’ is nonsense. Its leaders are the usual bunch of soulless traitors, doing the Money Power’s bidding in enslaving both the rest of Europe and their own people.
Europe’s problems could quickly be alleviated with the ECB buying up the bonds at 0 % interest. Yes, this would create a moral hazard: politicians could feel invited to spend more. But at this point they are forced to lend at unsustainable rates that are destroying the European economy.
A more permanent solution would be to nationalize all the banks, while repudiating all the nonsense on their balance sheets and quitting all interest payments. Banks are just criminal ‘institutions’. True, this notion is not yet acceptable for 99% of the people out there, but since it is the truth it is worth while to insist on it. A sensible program along these lines can be found here.
A sort of middle ground and more classical approach against depression can be found in Webster Tarpley’s five point program.
In short: there is absolutely no reason for all this chaos. The only problems are that both the people and their representatives are being conned by the financial wizards. Our leaders are indeed either useful idiots or willing traitors.
Look how they laugh while they feast on our life blood.
The Inflation vs. Deflation Dialectic
The Problem is not Debt, it’s Interest
High Treason: the European Stability Mechanism
The Battle for Europe: will the people or the Euro survive?
The US Empire is not the Money Power!
The Wolfson Prize, I win!
Financial Warfare 2012: Boycott All Banks

For eighty years a major not for profit, private currency has been operating in the heartland of Europe. In Zurich, almost next door to the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, there is the WIR, turning over the equivalent of almost 2 billion CHF per year.
By Anthony Migchels for Henry Makow and Real Currencies
WIR was founded by businessmen Werner Zimmerman and Paul Enz in 1934. It was a direct response to the Great Depression. They built on the legacy of Silvio Gesell, whose thinking also was the basis for the famous Wörgl Scrip and today’s German Regional Currencies, like the Chiemgauer.
Silvio Gesell is in fact the Patriarch of what I suggest should be called ‘German Economics’ or ‘Interest-Free Economics‘, the theoretical basis for the anti-usury movement. His analysis of Usury inspired both Gottfried Feder and Margrit Kennedy, two other leading lights of the European anti-usury movement. He also had interesting and much needed ideas about land reform.
Where the Wörgl and the Chiemgauer were/are backed by national (banking) currencies, the WIR goes where nobody before dared to go: it is basically Mutual Credit. Mutual Credit based currencies are nowadays used in Barter organizations world wide. Barter in this sense is a misnomer, they do use a means of exchange but not the national currency. WIR is undoubtedly one, if not the first Mutual Credit facility in the world and most certainly the longest surviving one.
Nowadays WIR turns over a little less than 2 billion WIR (1 WIR = 1 CHF) per year. Because many transactions involve maybe 25 to 50% in WIR while the rest is settled in CHF (Swiss Francs), real turn over generated by WIR is maybe up to three times higher. It has 1 billion of WIR in credit outstanding.
Transactions are settled with the use of debit cards or with their on-line banking system.
WIR is operated for the common good and not for profit. About 62,000 small and midsized businesses participate. There are six regional offices through the Swiss republic.
WIR is especially important during downturns. Deflation and capital scarcity make businesses more creative and more willing to deal with WIR’s limitations.
For our purposes WIR is important because it proves that Mutual Credit facilities have a viable business model. It proves currency can be offered at very low cost while maintaining a prosperous and professional organization over the long term.
Notwithstanding its major achievements, WIR suffers from some significant limitations.
In the first place it is not convertible to other units. This is a common problem with Mutual Credit based currencies. Until recently, the technology was not available. Amazingly, many people are so used to this situation that they do not even consider it a problem. They will claim that non-convertibility is actually a strength, as it forces participants to shop within the network. However, this is a mistake. Non-convertibility damages the liquidity (what it will buy) of the currency and liquidity is everything. As a result, many businesses accept only certain percentages in WIR. This hampers liquidity even further.
Another problem is that consumers are not serviced. Only businesses can participate. This again badly damages liquidity: businesses cannot pay their employees in WIR, for instance.
Just think of what is possible for modern units leaving these limitations behind them.
Money Power Subversion
Obviously, WIR is very important opposition against the Money Power. The Money Power can be expected to keep a keen eye on it and there are serious indications it has been resisting WIR actively.
There is a persistent rumor suggesting the Banks have told WIR that things are fine as they are, but that they should not vie for further growth. This may explain why they have not developed a comprehensive strategy for consumer participation.
Also, in the 1950’s WIR started to price its credit with interest. Even today interest rates are very low, with 1% rates for mortgages, for instance, but still. Interest is an affront to Gesell’s ideas. It hinders circulation, which was one thing very much on Gesell’s mind. The price for credit, even at 1%, is somewhat high for collateralized (and thus risk free) long term loans. It also lessens the power of the message: that interest free credit is not only possible but a fact.
The last few years WIR has been starting to focus on more traditional banking activities, including ordinary loans in CHF.
This has led Thomas Greco, a leading expert on Mutual Credit, to state that the Banking Cartel has probably found a way of getting its henchmen on WIR’s board of directors.
WIR is a leading example for the entire world. It has proven that interest free mutual credit can be offered on a large scale. Its superior management was a key factor to its success: it was not a couple of dreamers that built it, but down to earth businessmen understanding the issues and the solution.
It is not convertible and it has no comprehensive strategy to compete outright on a full scale with the Banking Cartel and yet it turns over billions per year. These limitations can nowadays be solved. Convertibility for Mutual Credit is now possible. A comprehensive strategy including consumers not difficult to devise.
In this way the Money Power monopoly on currency can be assaulted. Regulators, inimical as they may be to these schemes, are left empty handed: there are no laws against Mutual Credit and they are very difficult to develop, especially against determined market players who understand what they are up against.
Even though today WIR seems to have been subverted, it took the Money Power eighty years. It is fully possible for just a few thousand ambitious people world wide to open up their own initiatives and the Money Power could easily become overwhelmed.
It goes directly at the heart of the matter: the Money Power’s control over the money supply and extortion through usury and the boom/bust cycle. In this day and age of deflation and stagflation, additional working capital is desperately needed by small and mid sized firms. Now, more than ever, are they willing to take a chance when they are offered a real alternative.
The German Regional Currency Movement shows that it can be done even today. In Britain, too, many regional currencies are now starting, most recently in Bristol. This unit is not even circulating yet, but already 100 small businesses have signed up. They desperately need additional cash and new customers and Regional Currencies supply both.
It is no use to wait until the Government cleans up its act. It never will. It is completely controlled by the enemy. Private initiative is the only hope we have. In fact, let’s face it: why would children of the One expect to have their lives be run by sugardaddies like Government? Private initiative is all there is.
Private currencies, competing with the Money Power in the market place are the way forward.
The world was conquered by a few ambitious men serving the Adversary.
It is now time for it to be liberated by a few ambitious men serving the One.
“THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.”
Protocol No.5
Regional Currencies in Germany: the Chiemgauer
Mutual Credit, the Astonishingly Simple Truth about Money Creation
Mutual Credit for the 21st century: Convertibility
Financial Warfare 2012: Boycott All Banks
Interest-Free Economics
More on WIR:
WIR Bank-Genossenschaft
P2P Foundation on WIR

Scripture is quite clear on the issue of Usury, but, as Al Thompson explains, key texts have been watered down in translation. Worse, there is every reason to believe that Peter’s Apocalypse, by Christ’s leading disciple, was left out of the Holy Bible because of its stern warning about the punishment for oppressing our brethren with it.
By Al Thompson
(Abridged by Real Currencies)
I was reading the Apocalypse of Peter which appears to have been written by the Apostle Peter mentioned in the Gospels, and found this startling verse:
“And into another place near by, saturated with filth, they throw men and women up to their knees. These are they who lent money and took usury.” (Ethiopian Text)
“And in another great lake, full of discharge and blood and boiling mire, stood men and women up to their knees. These were those who lent money and demanded compound interest.(Akhim Text)
I have studied the Bible for over twenty years, and I never regarded the making of loans with interest as a sin. But when I read this Apoclypse I was stunned.
In many reference books about Biblical literature, this Apocalypse was referred to as “Holy Scripture” in the early Christian church. Given the power bankers have because of interest, it is very possible that the financiers of that time could not tolerate the Apocalypse of Peter to be read, otherwise, they would lose their stranglehold on the economy.
I decided to do a study on usury to see if I had overlooked something, and this is what I found:
“If thou lend money to my people, that is, to the poor with thee, thou shalt not be as an usurer unto him: ye shall not oppress him with usury.” (Exodus 22:25 GB)
I just noticed how the King James Version watered down this verse:
“If thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee, thou shalt not be to him as a usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usury.” (Exodus 22:25 KJV) There is a big difference in the use of the words oppress and lay upon because the word oppress is more specific in its description of the effects of usury.
“Moreover, if thy brother be impoverished, and fallen in decay with thee, thou shalt relieve him, and as a stranger and sojourner, so shall he live with thee. Thou shalt take no usury of him, nor vantage, but thou shalt fear thy God, that thy brother my live with thee. Thou shalt not give him thy money to usury, nor lend him thy vittles for increase.” (Leviticus 25:35-37 GB)
“Thou shalt not give to usury to thy brother: as usury of money, usury of meat, usury of anything that is put to usury.” (Deut. 23:19 GB)
There appears to be a conflict in teaching between the following verse in Deut 23:20 and Leviticus 25:35-37. And the wisdom of deciding which is true scripture and which is not lies within the contradiction. There isn’t any sense in attempting to harmonize the contradictions, but to simply point them out and use the weight of the evidence to arrive at a truthful conclusion.
“Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury, but thou shalt not lend upon usury unto thy brother: as usury of money, usury of meat, usury of anything that is put to usury.” (Deut. 20:20 GB)
It is my opinion that this one verse is a false periscope because it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the scriptures. In light of this contradiction, one must state the obvious, that the charging of usury was forbidden by God.
“And now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, and our sons as their sons: and lo, we bring into subjection our sons and our daughters, as servants, and there be of our daughters now in subjection, and there is no power in our hands: for other men have our lands and our vineyards.” (Nehemiah 5:5 GB)
Are we all not subject to the bankers of today? We are like the cattle grazing in the pasture getting fattened up for the slaughter. The source of our slavery is the sins we all have committed and we refuse to correct ourselves.
Usury is sin. Let’s continue in Nehemiah 5:6-7 :
“Then I was very angry when I heard their cry and these words. And I thought in my mind, and I rebuked the princes, and the rulers, and said unto them. You lay burdens every one upon his brethren and I set a great assembly against them.”
Moving over to Psalms 15:4-5 we see this:
“In whose eyes a vile person is contemned, but he honoreth them that fear the Lord: he that sweareth to his own hindrance and changeth not. He that giveth not his money unto usury, no taketh reward against the innocent: he that doeth these things shall never be moved.”
Now we will come upon Proverbs 28:8 and find out why usury is a sin.
“He that increaseth his riches by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance.”
So there it is, if usury is considered unjust gain; then it would come under the commandment, “Thou shalt not steal.”
Thus, the whole financial system of the world is built upon usury, it is Satanic, and does not serve God in anyway. The financial system as it exists today defies the natural law of economics and there is nothing good that can come from it except its eventual and complete failure.
Jeremiah the prophet stated:
“…I have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent unto me on usury: yet everyone doth curse me.” Jeremiah 15:10
And the conclusion of the matter appears in Ezekiel Chapter 18:4-5:
“Behold, all souls are mine, both the soul of the father, and also the soul of the son are mine: the soul that sinneth shall die. But if a man be just, and do that which is lawful and right, And hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his neighbor’s wife, neither hat lain with a menstruous woman, Neither hath oppressed any, but hat restored the pledge to his debtor: he that hath spoiled none by violence, but hath given his bread to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment. And hath not given forth upon usury, neither hath taken any increase, but hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity, and hath executed true judgment between man and man,….”
Moving on, we see in Ezekiel 18:13:
“Or hath given forth upon usury, or hath taken increase, shall he live? he shall not live: seeing he hath done all these abominations, he shall die the death, and his blood shall be upon him.”
Simply stated, usury is in the same class of sin as idolatry, fornication, violence, and many other sins. A just man feeds and helps the poor. But our whole economic existence depends upon usury which will eventually collapse itself into an extreme imbroglio.
Here’s the solution.
“But if the wicked will return from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep ally my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, and shall not die. All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him, but in his righteousness that he hath done, he shall live.” (Ezekiel 18:21-22 GB)
Continuing in verses 27 and 28 of the same chapter:
“Again, when the wicked turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, and shall not die.”
And now in verse 30 we are told what to do.
“Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, everyone according to his ways, saith the Lord God: return therefore, and cause others to turn away from all your transgressions: so iniquity shall not be your destruction.”
Now let’s go to verses 31 and 32:
“Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? For I desire not the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: cause therefore one another to return, and live ye.”
I tremble when I think about all of the loans I took out in my lifetime; and now just finding out just how perverse the financial systems of the nations of the world are under the current system of banking.
It is a real “jaw-dropper” to realize that something which we do in our everyday lives (feeling completely normal) is in fact a transgression against the commandments, against the God who created us.
And it is a stunner to realize that the commandment against usury has been in the scriptures for over 3000 years. It is no wonder the Apocalypse of Peter was removed from the Church as it was probably in complete apostasy at the time of its removal.
If any man had read the Apocalypse of Peter, how willing would he be to participate in usury?
Banking as we know it could not exist without usury. And it certainly could not exercise such extraordinary power over the nations if there was not usury. Few wars would be started, because any sensible government would not want to spend their hard earned resources on the military. And it is the banking interests that facilitate the starting of wars; then funding the rebuilding and reconstruction of the conquered.
To adjust the economy to stay in line with God’s law is the only way to make it work properly.
Getting rid of the oath and usury would be a powerful correction and nothing but good things would come from it.
Interest-Free Economics
The “Catholic” Arm of Libertarianism
The Scourge of Usury on Al Thompson’s Blog
A truly inspiring article on the interest free economy of the Middle Ages
And to see how far the Banker’s henchmen will go to explain all this away, we have to look no further than Gary North. He wrote dozens of books on ‘economic commentary on the Bible’. His first statement on defending the indefensible:
“It is OK to deposit money in the bank and earn interest.”
The father of the lie rules in this world and his minions cost as little as $500 dollars per month in 1965 dollars.

Left: Bernard Lietaer
“In Europe during the Middle Ages – the 10th to 13th centuries – local currencies were issued by local lords, and then periodically recalled and reissued with a tax collected in the process. Again, this was a form of demurrage that made money undesirable as a store of value. The result was the blossoming of culture and widespread well-being, corresponding exactly to the time period when these local currencies were used.
Practically all the cathedrals were built during this time period. If you think about what is required as investment for a small town to build a cathedral, it’s extraordinary.
The question arises: with similar currencies, what would the cathedrals of the 21st century look like?”
Bernard Lietaer
Margrit Kennedy famously established that 45% of prices are related to capital costs. The more capital intensive an industry is, the higher this percentage becomes and no industry is more capital intensive than construction.
By Anthony Migchels for Real Currencies
The incredible facts are these:
1. In construction a whopping 75% of prices are related to costs for capital. Meaning that if we buy a new $100,000 home, $75,000 is lost to banks and other financiers.
2. When we buy the house with a mortgage, we will not only pay $100,000 for the house, but an additional $150,000 in interest over 30 years.
3. So we pay a total of $250,000 for a house that actually costs no more than $25,000 to build.
The case against Interest can be no clearer than this. We get absolutely nothing in return for all this money.
It’s not just the Cathedrals: what would our homes look like without Interest?
Even at very low interest rates the loans quickly become punitively expensive. And leaves the monetary system intrinsically unstable to boot.
“Monetary reform” that does not address interest is a hoax.
On Interest
Budget of an Interest Slave
The Problem is not Debt, it’s Interest
Mutual Credit, the Astonishingly Simple Truth about Money Creation
Regional Currencies in Germany: the Chiemgauer
Usury Free Blog: A truly inspiring article on the interest free economy of the Middle Ages (thank you too Larry)
Our Ancestors built these astonishing structures 600 years ago. Why cannot we do the same today?

The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels,
And not the words of one who kneels.
Frank Sinatra
Most people will never snap out of the main lines of thinking. But the few who do often get entangled in others. However, there is no single school of thought that explains everything in any subject. To get closer to truth one needs to study them all and transcend them all.
It’s the same with every subject.
When we realize doctors are murderers and start to look for truth about health, we turn to diet. The first thing we find out about are Raw Foods, claiming we need to eat everything raw. Many people will then stop. They got rid of the problem (bad diet and murderous pharmaceuticals) and think they found the answer. But their neighbor, facing the same question, finds an interesting book about Traditional Chinese Medicine. And TCM claims the human body cannot process raw foods. Everything must be cooked.
If these people meet cognitive dissonance is unavoidable. Most people actually will get in row if they pursue the conversation.
Next we set out to find God. First we pick up the Bible. But this is in fact two books. The first tells us ‘an eye for an eye’, the second advises to turn the other cheek. We then go for part three, the Qu’ran, which denies the basics of Christianity by stating Christ survived His crucifixion. Worse still, after perusing the Nag Hammadi scriptures we are faced with the claim that YHVH is the anti God. Not to mention the Tao, the Baghavad Gita, the Tarot and the fascinating accounts of the Shamans.
Our wearying mind in astonishment turns to a simple science like the monetary. But lo and behold: we have people claiming we need Gold. Others say we need paper money. Yet another says the only important thing is to avoid interest on the means of exchange…..
So what does it all mean?
The point is that each and every position has merit. Look at economics for instance. The Austrians have shown us how detrimental Government intervention in the market can be. Social Credit has the great concept of the Gap. German Economics gives us a great analysis of interest. And even Keynes was important, as he paved the way for anti-deflationary measures.
The idea is to give every theory a fair hearing. This is not what is going on now. Austrians have their standard arguments to do away with Social Credit. Social Credit is so proud of the Gap that they cannot hear how others have similar views, but with a different label. The Alternative Schools are united in despising the Main Stream, which in turn has its pundits to explain away all the fair issues that the Alternatives bring forward.
But to give a fair hearing to all, Scott Fitzgerald’s kind of ‘superior intelligence’ is needed. Yet only the very foolish will claim ‘superior intelligence’. Luckily this is not so much a question of talent, but of technique. It takes a little self discipline and emotional awareness to feel through the negative emotions associated with cognitive dissonance. But it can be done. It’s just a matter of a little practice.
And sometimes the unresolved questions that arise from opposite ideas can linger for years in the mind. So patience is necessary too.
But we must. Because although the different schools, in whatever field, cannot ever be truly reconciled, they can be transcended. And they must, because none deliver on their claim for truth.
And at the end of the day: are we really willing to settle for that nagging little voice in our head that is telling us we are buying into ideas that are not really satisfactory?
Every man has the desire and the duty to be able to say at the end of the road:
I did it My Way
The Truth is out there! Never Surrender! Never Quit! Never Settle for Half Truth!

Left: Medvedev holding up his proposed World Currency coin
A widespread mistake is to equate the American Empire with the Money Power or the New World Order. But the Empire is just a tool, an expendable vehicle. The coming destruction of the American Empire will in fact allow the ascendancy of the Money Power’s coveted global despotism.
By Anthony Migchels for Henry Makow and Real Currencies
The American Empire certainly has been very important to the Money Power and it is not strange that many people consider the two to be the same thing. But they are not. In fact: the American Empire is the Money Power’s main competitor for World Power and the last obstacle in their march to World Government.
The Grand Strategy is to have the American Empire overstretch and destroy itself by having it take on the Eurasian Powers. Most conspiracy researchers will agree with this statement, but in real time it is always difficult to grasp the Money Power’s elaborate schemes. As a result people all too easily equate opposition to the American Empire with opposition against the New World Order.
Overrating Putin as a defiant defender of Russian Sovereignty is a clear example of this: Putin resists the American Empire, and therefore people believe he’s a good guy. He is not. Yes, he stopped the Oligarch’s all too blatant rape of the remnants of the Soviet Union in a moderate Nationalist reaction. But just like Ahmadinejad and the Chinese Leadership he is part and parcel of the Control Grid. And not only because the Ruble is an interest-bearing debt. The aim is to have the Great Powers slug it out against each other and Putin as a faithful whore of the Plutocracy is doing everything to pit Russia against the Americans in the coming conflagration.
Supranational Gold based currencies are also widely seen as opposition against the New World Order. Nonsense! It is opposition against the Dollar Hegemony and thus against the US Empire.
Nations aspiring for independence would barter amongst each other on a current account basis.
Mutual debts would be crossed off. In this way they would not need any ‘hard currency’ at all.
This is how Hitler traded with his partners. He had no Gold and no internationally accepted currency, but he traded to his heart’s delight and acquired everything he needed without spending a dime. In doing so he became completely independent from the international financiers. Some say this is what caused his downfall, but I don’t buy that. He was allowed to do this to build up Germany. It would have been impossible for Germany to become a credible force in their coveted 2nd World War had Hitler been saddled with conventional interest bearing Money Power currencies. In fact, by destroying Hitler and his interest free economy, they almost destroyed interest free currency through ‘guilt by association’.
Whatever really transpired back then, it is clear that scarce and expensive Gold is not a good means of exchange for the Nations and their international trade. A barter unit is free of cost and always sufficiently available. Hitler’s historical precedent shows it is not an idea, but a workable fact.
Another aspect is that such barter schemes would allow each Nation to maintain its own currency and thus monetary independence. The fact that all the Gold backed schemes of today have a supranational character is a clear give away of what forces are really behind it.
As a result we can clearly and unreservedly state that these supranational Gold based units are anti Dollar, not anti Money Power.
Conclusion: The US Empire is not the New World Order. The Anglo-American Elite is not the Money Power. Those proposing either supranational initiatives or World War without pointing at the real adversary are the enemy, whether they resist American imperialism or not.
Related: Phoenix Rising, the Return of the Gold Standard
Muammar Gaddaffi and the Money Power
Ahmadinejad shows Globalist Colors
Take your Money out of the Bank NOW!
The Credit Crunch is not some natural phenomenon but an all out assault by the Money Power. What is worse: even without the crunch we are paying trillions per year in interest for absolutely nothing.
The solution is simple: quit their banks.
By Anthony Migchels for Henry Makow and Real Currencies
The Money Power’s goals are obvious. It is not just the massive multi trillion wealth transfer that is under way. It is about bringing the West down a few notches. The US seems strong with a nominal $30.000 per capita GDP, but when the dollar devalues against the Brazilian Real and the Chinese Yuan things will quickly look different. It will also end cheap raw materials.
The reason this crisis exists is because the banks, politicians, the media and economists are colluding in fooling the many into believing we need banks for our money supply. Most of them probably even believe this is true themselves.
They say we need the banks, because otherwise the real economy would have no money to trade with.
All this is complete and utter rubbish, of course. If banks can create credit, then anybody can. That’s just common sense.
Just imagine: we are led to believe that we need to cough up trillions just to have a means of exchange. One that is completely paper/computer based. I.e., almost free of cost.
Banking is part of the Babylon Mystery and bankers believe we are still enthralled with their ‘fractional reserve banking’ sleight of hand. And they are right. Although people are waking up, they still don’t get it.
A good example of this is the ‘take your money out of Bank of America’ of last October. Bank of America decides to rake in an extra 60 dollars per year with a silly fee. This upsets people.
While they are paying $300k interest over 30 years on their $200k mortgage. Which the bank created the moment they borrowed it.
Meanwhile, 45% of our disposable income is lost to cost for capital included in the prices we pay for our daily needs.
In other words: Penny wise, pound foolish.
People still don’t understand how badly they are being raped. They still don’t understand how they are fleeced through interest on fictional debt.
Coming to terms
Of course, it was a great step and absolutely fantastic to see people finally showing a little teeth. But it shows how hesitantly people are coming to grips with the reality of banking.
Boycotting the banks is the blindingly obvious approach. If somebody is enslaving you with interest and fractional reserve banking while destroying the economy by not lending why would you patronize his business?
To say this is irresponsible as it will worsen the crunch is ridiculous: propping up a system that only exists to enslave us is irresponsible, not disconnecting from it.
But only few even within the Free Media are willing to accept this simple conclusion.
The fact of the matter is: many are still enthralled with the ‘magnificent edifice of international finance’, as Rothschild mouthpiece the Economist once called it.
It is unfortunate that there is still widespread misunderstanding about both money and our real problem with it.
People do not yet understand how pervasive the enslavement through interest really is.
That’s why they fall for the notion that Gold will solve our problems. But what does it matter whether we pay all this interest for Gold or for paper based credit? The Money Power owns both and all the interest will end up in the same place.
The mind control of the rich, the social conditioning to accept the current order and its despicable ‘morality’, to defend it at the cost of oneself and one’s loved ones is very profound and pervasive in our beliefs. They are not easily uprooted, not even by the ‘Internet Reformation’.
In the mean time we are ignoring the real solution: interest free money. Either debt free, in the form of Social Credit, which would work out like a ‘Citizens Dividend‘.
Or interest free credit, through Mutual Credit.
These solutions are real and we can implement them today.
We would no longer pay interest on a mortgage, which would also mean much lower rent.
While paying 45% less for what we need, because there would be no longer any cost for capital included in prices. World Government would be dead and Big Business would face the competition of well funded small business.
The reason we are not doing this is not only because Washington and Brussels are owned by the Money Power in the City of London.
The main reason is we don’t see the problem and therefore we miss out on the solution.
Fight Back!
We don’t need to wait for reform on a national level. We can create our own currencies. High powered currencies, not just the simple barter units that are now starting to float everywhere in the world. We can create extremely effective, interest free credit based units, convertible to dollar or euro. In effect providing us with a printing press with which we can back the world interest free.
But these will take time to build up. Meanwhile, isn’t it the obvious thing to pull our money out of the banks?
How is it possible that this is being resisted by many well meaning people in the Alternative Media? Is there really anybody out there who still believes the banks will mend their ways? That they somehow will stop being the psychopathic enslavers that they are?
We should not have one dime in that system. Every dollar we put in the banking system gives them a dollar income per year. Remember that. The system, through fractional reserve banking, multiplies your dollar by ten and takes interest over each of them. Real interest (including credit cards) are probably close to 10% and that means they make a dollar per year over every dollar you have in your account.
Remember that 40 years ago nobody had a bank account. Before then there were no computers and the banks couldn’t have handled the administration.
You don’t need a bank to keep your money. The whole idea is insane! Nowhere is your money more prone to abuse and risk than in a bank.
And you can maintain an account for monthly payments, just keep its balance at almost zero. Pay your bills and take out the rest.
Force the FED and ECB to print ever more for bailouts.
Pay cash only. Don’t support their cashless society. Liquidate all your paper assets, both to blow up the system and to minimize your own exposure to the implosion. Let them squirm and lie ever more transparently with every new bailout that they need to force upon us. Let them show their hand. We’re not going to ‘repay’ odious debt.
We’re not afraid. We don’t need them.
Let them eat cake.
The Swiss WIR, or: How to Defeat the Money Pow
Mutual Credit, the Astonishingly Simple Truth about Money Creation
Understand that the Banking System is One
On Interest
Budget of an Interest Slave
This is an abridged version of Financial Warfare 2012: Boycott All Banks