A Meeting in Dublin and some Extras.

Last week I was again in Dublin for more interaction with the people there on the why and particularly the how of monetary reform.
The event was organized by Séamas Ó Muilleaneoir, of Public Banking Ireland, who recalled that only a few years ago a suicide was national news in Ireland. Now ten to twelve people kill themselves per week.
Hundreds of thousands of people are unemployed and those that have work are lucky when they make enough to keep the banks happy.
Three hundred thousand people have left the country since the crunch ended. One can imagine what that means for a country of only four million. Of course those in their productive years are the ones emigrating.
Meanwhile the country, Dublin especially, is flooded with poor rags from all over the world, looting already over-pressed Social Services and worsening crime. They are brought there to destroy Irish identity and to pit the Irish against them, instead of the wealthy, the bankers, government leaders and Eurocrats who are willfully creating this chaos and profiting handsomely from it.
People are labelled racist when objecting to this. And it’s true that some racism is partly motivating it. So what? All the races are racist and all the nations want to be left alone. Individual guests can be welcomed, if they adapt as can be expected from guests. But White culture and identity is being destroyed. As it has destroyed many non-white cultures and identities in her prime. And just as we hardly left anything much better where we came, what is replacing us is worse too.
Ireland has been remarkably complacent to what happened to her. Compared to Iceland, Greece, Portugal and Spain. Some speculate it’s the fluoridated water. I think shame for having fallen for the Celtic Tiger hoax is part of it too. People went nuts. They really believed that an easy credit fuel housing bubble was going to last. In the final stages of the ‘boom’ gulf clubs were opening up by the dozens, charging membership fees up to 30,000 euros. Banks just shoved the money down people’s throats and they went for it. Buying property all over the place, at insane prices. Remortgaging their own houses at inflated value to make it all happen.
Real estate is now 60%, some places up to 70% down. Everybody is suffocating from the mortgages. Meanwhile the Government paid tens of billions of euros to bail out the banks. Figures differ, but it’s up to 100 billion. Officials say that Ireland spent almost 10 thousand per capita on them, 50 times the European average during the crunch.
There is anger against the banks, the IMF, EU and Government, but people also feel caught and stupid, I guess.
It is indeed both remarkable and dispiriting to see how people continue to be menaced by the boom/bust cycle. They fall for it every time. Not only that, they still have not figured out yet that not all live without a memory. That some are actually well prepared. That we’re not ‘all in this together and must now all tighten our belts to weather the storm’. Tightening our belts is for the little people, that much is clear, but that the fat cats would actually do it all on purpose………
Séamas Ó Muilleaneoir had probably hoped for a bigger crowd, but still there were about 50 at the main meeting and while many of them were the well known faces, it is a growing group and the dialogue is markedly improving. In the early stages people came from different monetary perspectives and there would be a focus on the differences there and strong opinions. But mutual understanding is growing and I think that at this point is all we can ask for.
Ellen Brown was the keynote speaker at the event and I was thrilled to meet her. Clearly dialogue is greatly facilitated by a handshake. A few months ago I met Bill Still and Dublin Airport. So Ireland really is between the US and Europe.
And there are other green shoots of resistance too. Debt Options Ireland, led by Claire Cullinane, is empowering people to take the banks to court. In Ireland they can do that without a lawyer, if they know how. Cullinane is helping people with exactly that, providing them with the necessary data and high spirits. She already has a thousand families in court. Many of them now pay just a fraction or even have completely stopped paying anything to the banks, awaiting the results in court. And the banks are doing…..nothing. They are not evicting these people and they are buying time in the courts. Surely this is a big headache for them. And a great relief for the interest-slaves who have manned up and actually did something about the chains weighing them down.
Last week the Debt Options crowd created a corporation of their own, hiring barristers and the like. This is another form of real people’s power and I’m convinced it can be done everywhere. In Holland, too, more and more people are calling a mortgage strike, calling the bank’s legal bluff.
In the United States the banks are continuously in court, of course, but for Europe, these developments are pretty interesting. It’s far less usual for the common man to take the big boys to court here, than it is in the US.
Be that as it may, it’s interesting to witness and partake in these developments. They amount to the planting of seeds. The hesitant foundational work.
Many more people are needed, everywhere. Together we can do this.
The Winged Lions Award
The Usuryfree Network will present a number of usuryfree creatives with the Winged Lions Award. People can nominate candidates (before October 26th), so it’s all pretty interactive. It’s a great way of marketing the usuryfree cause, that much is clear.
The Winged Lion, according to Tom Kennedy, is the symbol of usury free living. This stunned me, because, while I have zero reason to doubt it, it was also the symbol of the Venetian Empire, which, according to many, birthed the modern Money Power.
The Winged Lion can still be found all over Northern Italy. Just another paradox of history?!
The latest news is that Jason Erb will be keynote speaker in Toronto at the 9th annual UsuryFree week event.
A Conversation with Jason Erb
The debate with Rodney Martin that had been planned for Sunday had to be postponed, but Jason and I had an interesting conversation on the implications of the fierce debate about the Hitler saga that raged on these pages over the last weeks.
I think it’s fair to say there are serious problems with Hitler. His reliance on major industrial and financial sources, ostensibly German but undoubtedly very much internationally related and oriented, is undeniable. His man Schacht was a pure Money Power man and solved the liquidity crisis that caused the depression by providing MEFO bills. But he did not solve Usury. HItler sidelined Feder at the behest of his powerful backers. The question who owned these banks that printed the Reichsmark is unanswered.
And the shadier parts Hitler’s background and all sorts of occult connections are a little all too easily explained away as ‘typical Jewish propaganda’.
Also the key issue of centralization of power in the National Socialist State, indeed, in the Fuehrer himself. It was an utterly totalitarian system and while probably better for a lot of people, until the war came, anyway, it was not freedom. The individual meant little.
National Socialism is too much oriented on nation (a typical Jewish mindset), power is way too centralized with all the predictable problems that come with that. While it is a very important era to study, it is not an example, other than of how not to do it.
The core issue is the centralization of power. It matters not whether it is concentrated in the hands of the State (Marxism, National Socialism) or private hands, Capitalism.
We need interest-free, stable money for the common man. A small State. Regionalized economic and political power. Respect for the individual, and his birthright to his fair share in the Commons.
The Commons cannot be owned, land included. Not by people, not by corporations, not by the State.
Land is God’s capital, He created it. People have property rights to their own production, not to God’s.
Money is a function of our mutual acceptance, and therefore it can be used, but not owned by individual players.
These are the lines along which we can build a sustainable and affluent economy, providing a profound security for all humans. It provides justice and individual freedom.
This is the basis for real peace.
The link between the notion of land ownership and the ability to mortgage that land for money is a belief system that needs descriptive work as possibly demonic. Maybe evidence of the much anticipated anti Christ itself. Good luck RDW
Hello richard willing: I think you’ve struck upon the basic nerve here. 10,000 years of sheepish belief in systems that force humans off their private lands. It’s always some prick in a suit of armor, a dick in a neck tie, or a fagot pope wearing a fish hat. Same game, different costume. See every religion since day one. Garden of Eden bullcrap, etc. Kingship: “Just slaughter them and hand them a pile of shit called “eminent domain” under whatever guise.” The sheeple bend over and take the shaft every time.
If every citizen were armed and trained (as in Switzerland) the land theft crap would end real quick. Ireland has allowed itself to become weaponless, powerless, and on the dole to the Brits. Being on the dole to the nanny England state, is one of the reasons smart people are leaving. The country is being intentionally ruined by immigration.
You are deluded beyond reason, into a realm of emotional responses. The first thing is to regain rationality.
Here is the conundrum:
You say, that kings, churches, tradition is bad. Yes, but as soon as you stand up against the Church or Kings there are a thousand conspiracy theorists and a million of their followers, who should be our allies, friends and brothers who say that we are the deluded puppets of the new cosmopolitan elite who are destroying time-honoured tradition that has kept people alive for centuries.
On the other hand, if you are a follower of Church and Tradition, there is much to admire in the medieval work of the Church against interest, much admire in the concepts of honour, courtesy and old-time values.
At the same time you know that the system is crumbling down because of it’s own emptiness. You know the inherent truth of the new-agers you despise, that the time is up for organised religion yet you do not like the new-age style. You yearn for the golden age of the middle ages, living in fantasies of things that never were.
So how can I call the Garden of Eden bull-crap? How can I call progress bull-crap in good faith?
I can’t do neither. Humanity is stuck.
There are conspiracy theorists who are new-agers, there are conspiracy theorists who are strict traditional Catholics. All claim to be against bankers, all claim that their ideological competition is on the take or manipulated by jews, bankers etc.. All are so petty minded and ignorant it makes a sane man either scream or laugh out loud. All selling their books, their often deeply flawed ideas for a living. Just as greedy, just as avaricious, just as likely to start name calling as the political leaders, the bankers etc.. that they claim to despise.
And then are the followers of conspiracy theories. Often unemployed, often lacking in higher education. Thinking one thing is true one day, the complete opposite the true the other day. Totally out of balance and order. Hating an idea, a people, an idea one day, just because ayour guru says so and then loving them another because you found a new “better” guru.
How can followers of conspiracy theory be the future? You speak of change, you speak of being the future but you are going around circles? How can anyone going around in circles of emotion , bluff oppose the banking cartels?
How laughable.
Let’s get on with immigration.
In matter of fact, you do not know what you are speaking of. Immigration, all the living on the dole that Daily Mail trumpets costs any country only pennies compared to usury, interest rates etc.. Besides the point, immigration to Britain is caused by usury in far off places by global banks run by the City of London.
The fact that you speak of immigration as a big problem already shows how well oiled, poisoned, and manipulated, just perfectly manipulated you are by the press barons who own the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and so on..
Laughable isn’t it that here you are proposing to have solutions, to be the know-it-all yet you are a base slave, guided by primal fear and well beaten ignorance. You are no where ready to resolve the conundrum number one. And then get on to the problem number two. Which is abolishing the ability to get interest. If far off lands can’t be impoverished, there can’t be any immigration. Get it?
Immigration would become unnecessary if we had sovereign money, and then balanced trade with nations. For example, a sovereign money system, and then something like Keynes bancors would allow politics to intervene when trade imbalance became too high. The political sphere can work together to sort out problems when the signaling is in advance.
It is exactly the truth that international money powers have worked to prevent a balanced honest money system like this. Part of the output of banker credit money power, since Babylonian times, is to put a debt hook on a population, and then extort slaves or take rents on populations. You are in “debt” so give me your lands, etc. Solon’s reforms were on those lines, the Versaille treaty, and today as the U.S. spreads debt onto third world countries is the same sad story.
If we examine immigration in the U.S. we see that there was an immigration cut off in the 1920’s. Why? Because Jewish immigrants, posing a Polish, were pushing Communism so hard Congress had to react. The 1965 immigration act was funded by Jewish groups, and signed into law by Jewish Senators. Since then, America has moved from being almost all white, to being a mixed race hodge podge country. This was as purposeful output of the 1965 immigration act. In general, mixed race countries have HIGH social friction, which is unwanted. Digging into the funding for the immigration act, we see it is usury pipelines via the banking system. The credit banking system, is an international device, as all currencies are being linked up through reserve mechanisms. Credit is private bankers, hypothecating our assets, to create an IOU. This IOU is temporary as it refluxes back to ledger at the loan pay down rate.
So, there are core principles at play here. Money is information that guides our behavior, and it is also power. Change those two things, and the outcomes for humans are drastically different. And that for sure is not CONSIPIRACY THEORY, it is reality.
Contributing a poem ‘IBLEES KI MAJLIS E SHURA’ (THE DEVIL’S CONFERENCE) written by Sir Allama Iqbal, our National poet. This poem is in Urdu language and written in 1936, following is translation. This is according to Muslim’s prospective. But it may interest you people.
IBLIS (King of Devils)
This ancient game of elements, this base world!
The frustration of the longings of the great Empyrean’s dwellers.
Upon its destruction is bent to‐day that Fashioner of things,
Who gave it the name, “The world of Be it so.”
I inspired in the European the dream of Imperialism:
I broke the spell of the Mosque, the Temple and the Church
I taught the destitute to believe in Destiny:
I infused into the wealthy the craze for Capitalism.
Who dare extinguish the blazing fire in him?
Whose tumults are stimulated by the inherent passion of Satan?
Who could summon the courage to bend down the old tree?
Whose branches their heights to our watering owe?
Stable is the Satanic system, no doubt there is!
It has further strengthened in the commoners their slavishness indeed.
Since the dawn of Time have these helpless mortals been ordained to prostration:
Prayer devoid of the posture of standing straight is their nature’s constant urge.
In their heart no desire can in fact take its birth:
But if it does, perchance, it dies or is left unripe.
What wonders have our hard, persistent endeavors wrought!
To‐day finds the mystics and the priests all as subjects of Imperialism.
Suited to the disposition of the East was this opium indeed:
Otherwise’ Ilm‐i‐Kalam’(discussing God) is no less self‐effacing than ‘qawwali’(song for saints) in effect, What matters it, if the tumult of the pilgrimage and tawaf (running around Kaba, Saudi Arabia) abides?
For, rendered blunt, lies unused the unsheathed sword of the Faithful.
Whose despair does this latest Ordinance prove?
“To the Muslim in this age is forbidden fighting in Lord’s name”?
Is the clamor for “Government by the people” evil or good?
Are you unaware of the fresh mischiefs of the world?
Aware am I! but tells me my cosmic foresight:
No danger from what is but a masquerade for imperialism.
We ourselves have dressed imperialism in the garb of democracy
When man has grown to be a little self‐conscious and self‐observant.
The true nature of the system of imperialism lies elsewhere:
It depends not on the existence of an individual leader of king.
Be it a national assembly of the court of Parviz, (The king of Persia)
Whoever casts a covetous eye on other’s harvest is a king.
Have you not observed the democratic system of the West?
With a brilliant exterior, its interior is darker than Genghis’s.
No cause for anxiety then, if the spirit of imperialism be preserved:
But what counter‐measure to the mischief wrought by that Jew have you?
That Moses without Light, that Jesus without the Cross:
No prophet is he, yet with him a book he carries.
I can hardly explain what significance the infidel penetrating vision possesses:
It is, methinks, the day of reckoning for the peoples of the East and the West.
No greater corruption of human nature than this would be:
Slaves have broken asunder the ropes of the masters’ tents.
Watch its counteraction in the palaces of Imperial Rome:
Again did we inspire in the descendants of Caesar the dream of Caesar?
Who is coiled round the waves of the Mediterranean?
That now expands like a pine, and then wails like a rebeck!
Little do I recognize him to be a man of far‐sighted wisdom:
(A fool!) who has thus European politics exposed.
O you! the fire of whose breath lends stability to the world‐process:
Whenever you wished, everything hidden presently did you reveal.
It is your fire that has transformed dead earth and water into a world of beauty and endeavour:
Inspired by your instruction, the fool of Paradise turns a seer
More closely familiar with man’s nature than you is not He:
Who among the simpletons is known as God the Sustainer.
Those whose business was confined to sanctifying, singing hymns and going round:
Your sense of self‐respect has out them to shame for ever, with their heads hanging low.
Though the wizards of Europe all are disciples to you:
No longer have I faith in their sagacity left.
That Jew, that mischief‐maker, that reincarnation of Mazdak:
Each tunic is about to be torn to shreds by his fanaticism.
Behold! the wild crow is vying with the falcon and the hyena:
Lo, how swiftly does the disposition of Time allow of a change!
It spread about, and covered the whole expanse of skies:
What we unwisely had taken for a handful of dust.
Such is the state of the ghastly dread of the morrow’s disturbance:
To‐day tremble with overwhelming awe, mountains, meadows and rivers all.
That world is going to turn topsy‐turvy, my Lord!
The world which resteth solely on your governance.
Absolute commands have I of the world of scent and hue!
The earth, the sun, the moon and the firmaments all
With their own eyes shall the West and the East witness the Spectcle:
When I but warm the blood of the nations of Europe
The leaders of politics and the patriarchs of church all:
One call from me would be enough to turn them mad.
The fool who considers it to be mere glass‐work:
Let him dare smash the goblets and ewers of this Civilization.
The collars torn asunder by the hand of Nature:
Can’t be darned with the needle of the Mazdakite logic.
How could I be frightened by these Socialists, straying about the streets?
Wretched and straitened, distracted in mind, incoherent in speech!
Amongst this people there are still to be seen a few
Which still a spark of ambition hidden in its ashes retains
The only menace I anticipate may come that community:
Who go so far as to perform their ablutions with the tears of pre‐morning hours.
Knows he to whom are revealed the inner secrets of Time:
Not Mazdakism, but Islam is to be the trouble of the morrow.
I do know this community is no longer the bearer of the Quran:
The same Capitalism is the religion of the Believer now
And I know, too, that in the dark night of the East
The sleeve of the holy ones of the Sanctuary is bereft of the white, illuminating hand.
The demands of the present age, however, spell the apprehension:
Lest the Shari‘ah of the Prophet should come to light one day:
Beware, a hundred times beware, of the Law of the Prophet!—
The protector of women’s honor and dignity, the tester of men’s capacities, the rearer of worthy men!
The message of death to any kind of slavery! No sovereigns and no monarchs, no mendicants begging!
It does purify wealth of all pollution:
It makes the wealthy trustees of wealth and property.
What greater revolution in thought and action will there be:
Not to the crowned heads, but to God alone does this Earth belong!
Better, if this Law be kept hidden from the world’s eye:
So much the better, the Believer himself is deprived of inner conviction.
Better that he remains busy and entangled in the metaphysical theology:
Better, that he remains busy and entangled in the interpretations of the Book of God.
Whose cries of God are Most High could break the charm of the universe:
May the dark night of that God‐thinking man not ever turn bright!
Is the Son of Mary dead or is he endowed with eternal life?
Are the Attributes of God separate from God, or do they form what He is?
Do the expected mean Jesus of Nazareth?
Or a Renewer, endowed with the attributes of the Son of Mary?
Are the letters of the Word of God New or of Old?
In which of the doctrines does the salvation of the Blessed Community lies
Are not enough to the Faithful in this age:
These idols of worship carved by Metaphysical Theology?
Keep him separate from world of character
Until he loses all the plans(tactical moves) of life
Our safety lies in that Believer remains a slave till Doomsday:
Renouncing this transitory world for others’ sake.
What is good in his case is that poetry and mysticism
Which may keep hidden from his eyes the game of Life.
Every moment do I dread the awakening of this community?
Whose religion is, in reality, nothing short of taking account of the universe?
Keep him well absorbed in the thought and contemplation of God in pre‐morning hours:
Ye all make him grow stronger in his monastic disposition!
Thank you for the update!
Anthony, Okay if you want to bash Hitler–let’s leave some room for Stalin and Eisenhauer [“the terrible swedish jew”]–who watched a million unarmed and defeated german soldiers die of exposure and hunger in an open-air prison in france: Otherwise you lose creditability–big time.
I don’t know how much more I can do to make clear I agree with much of what revisionism has to offer Gary. I don’t see why I have to explain I hate Stalin, Ghengis Kahn and the big bad Yeti too, before we can rationally discuss Hitler.
This is the best understanding of banking and money that I have come across on a YouTube video.
“Michael Tellinger on Money”
as the Bible (which Migchels hates) says about the corrupt tree, Migchels is not able to open his face without uttering lies….
>>>>>the fierce debate about the Hitler saga
the fierce debate was not caused by and on the financial policies of Hitler and NS Germany; the debate was on the audacity and lack of knowledge of Migchels:
Migchels did not study, did not research how finances were in NS Germany, he wouldn’t so much as look up some old newspapers; he copied&pasted a large portion of Ingrid Rimland’s article, added to it copy/paste from other people, and voila, he prounces before us as some expert and authority on Hitler.
His (and the other ignorant ones on this blog) unmitigated audacity was what caused angry remarks from people who actually read up on how things were in NS Germany.
Migchels did not look at one document from the Bank, from the ministry of public works, or from anywhere, that would show what the interest rate was, what the national debt was, what the amount money in existence and in actual circulation was; yet he comes foreward as some totum factum on Hitler.
He didnt’ even read party platforms and campaign speeches from 1931 and 1932 and 1933, but he audaciously prononces that Hitler mislead the people and did not deliver on campaign promises –that is what generates fierce responses: this ignorant audacity
As was demonstrated, even after it was peointed out that Migchels has idea what he is talking about (which is the norm for him), he flatly refuses to look up, to look for actual data on Hitler.
In 1939 the people of Europe had three choices to pick from: the powers that be, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin.
Migchels clearly chose the powers that be. It is understandable, under Stalin or Hitler, he and his kind would be in a labour camp; only under tha Rothschild system can these maggot-infested hippies pronce around in drug-induced haze, and bitch and complain about the insufficiency of welfare. Even under a normal (stable money) government, they would be thrown on the garbage heep where they properly belong.
>>>>>greatly facilitated by a handshake
Migchels, who would not cross the road to walk into the library in Amsterdam, travels to Irish land to meet his idol, who has been proven a liar in front of large audience; demonstrating his very low moral character, demonstrating that Migchels is NOT here to learn, is not in search of truth; no, he is in search of an idol. Other children idolize accomplished gladiators, accomplished musicians, Migchels and the other groupies idolize William Still whose only accomplishment are plagirazing other charlatans’ regurgitation, and professional lying;
Migchels idolizes Ellen Brown whose accomplishment is trojan infiltration, lying, regurgitation, plagiary……..
The meeting between the scum and scummer would have been a splendid opportunity to ask pertinent questions:
why has E.B. lied about herself ?
why has E.B. lied about Lincoln and about greenbacks ?
who wrote “Web of debt” ?
where, how has she acquired her immense knowledge on finance ?
how has her interest in this subject come about ?
when does she have time to work in the law office ?
—–Far be it from Migchels to inquire for facts
Similarly, when Migchels met B.S., he could have asked the charlatan pertinent questions as these.
As it was, Ellen Brown stood on the podium and lied her face off; and there was no one there to warn the victims of the trojan infiltrator.
It is very telling that not one of these money reformator meetings ever invite someone who studied and learned the history of money and banking; who studied economics, banking, finances; someone who practiced banking, finances, economics.
>>>> Erb will be keynote speaker
It is a pre-meditated lie to say that the framers and the ratifiers of the U.S. constitution were friends of government-issued paper money, that they considered anything other than gold, silver, copper coins the lawful money of the constitution of the United States. (many of these framers considered gold/silver money by nature)
Yes, there were, among the framers and ratifiers who were friends of paper money, such as Alexander Hamilton, and who intended to get around the constitution, but these people were friends of bank-issued paper money !! In fact, Alex Hamilton and James Wilson framed parts of the text with the view of being able to “interpret” it in the future, according to their purposes. And after the constitution was ratified the friends of paper money quickly established printing-press banks.
The chihuahua –who would not know a meme if he tripped over one– with his bankbook and credit card in his pocket, will stand on the podium in Toronto and lie to the welfarebums gathered; he will lie about the US Constitution, he will lie about Lincoln, he will lie about greenbacks. He will also lie about himself, he will not tell his victims that he knows fuck-all about banking, money, finances, that his only claim to fame is reading some garbage compiled by charlatans E.B. and B.S.
Why does this Toronto meeting not invite someone from the TD Bank, to explain to them reality and the facts of life ? explain to them that part of their welfare cheque is derived from the profits of the chartered banks ? derived from the interest paid on the national debt ?
Thank you Name.
I guess you’re 99% right, but I still hope you one day will realize only the wealthy benefit from usury (that’s why they’re wealthy, mostly), and that most of those gaining a tuppence here and there lose up to ten times more through their mortgage or rent and prices and taxes, the latter two almost doubling in price because of usury.
so, why do you idolize liar Bill Still, and charlatan Ellen Brown ?
I don’t idolize Bill or Ellen name789. They are not liars. They are, like you and me, limited people. They’re wrong on some (important) issues. Ellen is very knowledgeable, also of economics, but she has difficulty seeing the role of the State in all this. Bill is strong with his analysis of ‘centralization of power’, but he’s not a very skillful economist.
Both have done more to bring knowledge to the many than most. We will have to work together where we can, we can’t endlessly fracture amongst each other, we will have to settle for ‘close enough’ when choosing who we support.
You do a good job providing historical context, but there is more under the sun than quote busting and Greenbacks. The level of discourse in the public domain is very, very low, there is a lot growth necessary. You support Usury, are blind to interest-free credit, and a b-class economist. Still I’m happy you are out there, because you add to a badly understood situation. I’m not calling you a liar all the time.
I support both Ellen and Bill in their efforts, because they have managed to create a platform for a very important and complicated issue. They do good work and constantly improve, like we should all strive to do.
Hello Anthony: I’d have to agree with you regarding Bill Still and Ellen Brown. Everyone puts his or her pants on one leg at a time… These two have done a damn good job of presenting the raw information, and at least exposing some of the more flagrant yet suppressed discrepancies in economic history. Their videos are quite accessible and people can get a broader view of what’s taken place. History is always twisted by academics and historians – all jostling for authenticity or notoriety. Their little pissing games get weary pretty fast, and they serve no one but themselves. How many work-a-day people have the time to do deep research into such esotery?
A quick glance at the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act and Obama’s barrage of “executive orders” since 2008 should be a huge wake up call for Americans. The man is obviously a war criminal and has committed numerous acts of treason since day one. Yet Americans continue to sleep walk onto the cattle cars without a whimper. What was the intention of the Bill of Rights and Constitution? Anyone pointing out the glare of treason in the grade schools? High schools? Any major newspapers talking about it? Not one…
Current political crimes need to be addressed and slammed down on the public table right now. I think everyone should bring a Colt 45 and extra clips to the conversation. It’s not just the economy that’s on the line in the United States; it’s the entire political system.
I’ve enjoyed your page; and think it serves an educational purpose. My compliments.
Other than making a living off peddling books, what effort do they make ?
Their books are the best proofs that they are liars (and the fact that they did not die of shame indicates that they are professionals)
>>>>>Both have done more to bring knowledge to the many than most.
It is/was physically impossible for them to bring knowledge, they did not and do not have any knowledge ! they did not and do not do any work of their own !
Knowledge would bring them (and everyone else) to where I am
But there is no money in telling the truth.
That welfare shtick is waxing lame. The guy with the name and number (which is not his name but possibly his number) talks about “maggot-infested hippies pronce around in drug-induced haze, and bitch and complain about the insufficiency of welfare. Even under a normal (stable money) government, they would be thrown on the garbage heep where they properly belong.”
Gads! Hippies were a happening thing like 50 years ago. Get a grip. I think you need a serious visit from “The Association for the Advancement of Time”.
And that bullshit drain on the “economy” line. I happen to be disabled from electromagnetic radiation poisoning. Radiation poisoning isn’t something a person signs up for, unless you own a cell phone… I’ve studied 100,000 pages on the topic over a period of 30 years, and assholes like you are certainly going to die off soon. Ya wannna know why?
Read the 2012 BioInitiative Report just for starters. You might learn something functional.
Regarding that big welfare check. I was an electronics engineer, and now I don’t have any handy maggots to snack on. So, total life support for my former drug-induced and maggot infested self: $802.00 a month including food support. Of that huge and luxurious income, I have to pay for a place to live, a car to drive, insurance coverage, food, laundry, and clothing. And like all those other maggot-infested types, 100% of my support goes 100% back into the economy every month. I guess have to sign up for the garbage heap solution. Then some prick with no name could use my monthly income for tipping the bartender on their Hawaiian vacation.
You need to get a life you asshole. I think you need a nighttime visit from some gay bitch with an attitude and a big machete.
you should have managed your money better, while you earned it; now you are receiving a gift from those who are willing to get up in the morning and go to work….
Name, according to an internet posting, you once lived in Toronto’s Tent City, until it was forcibly dismantled. If true, why so hard on those who aren’t making big bucks like tax-free Mises Institute Fellows, including DiLorenzo?
Tent City was one of the places which gave me first hand experience on welfare garbage
I bet. Bay Street should’ve also given you a similar experience.
An inefficient economy has a lot of economic overhead. This means the inefficient economy tries to strip away social security payments to its weakest citizens, in order to pay the overhead. The overhead is always siphoning off of wealth toward rentiers. Worse, in order to maintain the charade, there is a permanent stock of people unemployed. This unemployed army represents further wealth that is not gained. Those unemployed would like to work for the most part, creating wealth and standing as citizens. Those that are able and refuse to work should be denied welfare. But, there are many who cannot work, and should not be forced into it. It is a simple matter of statistics, all populations have a distribution.
The economy can actually produce an enormous amount. For example, during WW2 the U.S. had full employment, and still blew up most of its output. At the end of the war, the factories and industry were well educated and first rate. Imagine what can be done if the output of the citizens went toward real economic goods instead of blowing them up in war. For example, the Hoover dam is a lasting legacy of inputs from the past.
By 1974 Canada had free education, free medical, and the people had a fair amount of savings. Most of their money was in the lower loop and was used to their benefit. The free education and free medical meant they didn’t freak out and over-save, which in turn put money back into circulation. This was done with a State Bank, which in turn watched over the private banks in their system, keeping them somewhat honest. In other words, some social structures are necessary for the money system to work.
China has noticed that even with demurrage (taxes) on savings, the Chinese still refuse to spend. Why? Because they are freaking out about retirement and medical and other hidden costs, and they let their imagination run wild. They must save like crazy because so many bad things can happen.
Oh, the hostility… You talk tough, name789, for someone with a fake name and a fake avatar. You should come to Toronto to introduce yourself and ask the tough questions of me in person, if you are so bold as you talk on here.
If you can’t make it, call into my radio show sometime. Sundays from 8 to 10 PM Eastern, at TruthFrequencyRadio.com. Call-in number is 1-866-37-TRUTH.
You were/are the one who barked at DiLorenzo, because you felt so inferior in the presence of a learned man
Yes, under the weight of your baseball-bat arguement one has to give way
I asked it several times why ye constantly lie, why ye idolize liars; be brave to enforece you arguement, instead of raising your voice
You seem unfamiliar with the concept of academic discourse, where claims are regularly scrutinized, and that’s what I did with DiLorenzo’s claims, among others.
I know, the top Austrian personalities are very unfamiliar with this, up until the past three years.
I first challenged him with this article on May 27, 2010, about him falsely implying that Lincoln implemented a private central bank. http://fauxcapitalist.com/2010/05/27/private-central-bank-misinformation/
Why were you so particularly upset about my critique of him? A friend, perhaps?
I’ve seen from your discourse on this blog that you regularly engage in ad hominem attacks, so I don’t consider myself special in that regard.
It’s a shame that your public postings aren’t reflecting the kind of work you’ve done with your research in the past.
I noticed you didn’t even know who George Whitehurst-Berry was. Pity — he was the one who started a show in 2007 on the largest alternative media radio network, GCN, and got up to the second highest position among online listeners, out of nearly 40 shows, because he was reading from the kind of books that he independently read and collected, which you had also independently brought to people’s attention — Sarah Emery’s, Arthur Kitson’s, and others — and he did that with around $60,000 of his own money, and hardly received a dime for it.
Instead of attacking others, why not get your research out there more in a positive way like he did?
Since you didn’t answer any of my questions, I take it you won’t be calling into my show ever. Too bad — your research would make you a great guest.
>>>>I first challenged him with this
No; you did not challenge him, you flaunted your ignorance
and you did the same when you rushed to the defence of liar Ellen Brown
I did not. I was well aware that Lincoln created no privately owned central bank. DiLorenzo specifically said that “Lincoln was almost exclusively devoted to Hamiltonian mercantilism – high protectionist tariffs, other forms of corporate welfare, a central bank modeled after the Bank of England to pay for it all,”
I never quoted him directly saying he claimed that Lincoln created a private central bank — he implied it with his above statement, which is what I was challenging, by saying he said that. I would’ve made that more explicitly clear when he didn’t address my direct question forwarded by the DB, and instead went to my blog post, instead, after he didn’t respond to my direct email to him.
It’s a usual thing with most Austrians, not wanting to talk about the private aspect of all four central banks of the United States.
If you had bothered to learn something you would have known that Lincoln was exactly as DiLorenzo described him in that quote
Not one of your kind, not one of your heroes and mentors studied the greenbacks or Lincoln, you can only shere with others what people like DiLorenzo presented; so if you change your stand on Lincoln and greenbacks, give credit where credit is due, and place blame where blame is due
DiLorenzo, North, I, proved that Ellen Brown, Bill Still and all the others all the way back to Sarah Emery lied to ye (they lied because they claimed they studied Lincoln and greenbacks, yet not one of them did so –people like me did) If you were half a man as you are not, that is what you would tell you welfare bum listeners; that people like Sarah and Ellen fed ye dog-shit through the years; DiLorenzo and little old me is the who brings you genuine information (and I am not even a historian, only a hobbyist)
You are still flaunting your ignorance, you still have no idea that it was Thaddeus Stevens who gave you the exception clause
Be brave, read some real history sometimes, visit the source of your finagled wisdom
because ye have no other source, not one of you has the courage study, to research
I didn’t learn a thing about Greenbacks from DiLorenzo.
I learned lots about them from George Whitehurst-Berry back in 2008, who learned about them from Sarah Emery, and then I learned about some of them being backed by bonds from you last year. And no single person is the authoritative source on anything historical.
DiLorenzo had the nerve to refer to the First Bank of the United States as a “government bank” in one of his presentations.
Why such an affinity with DiLorenzo and North? North has told some real whoppers, claiming that gold and silver coins produced by the U.S. and Canadian Mints aren’t money, that 21 years constitutes a “medium-term” investment, and he was too busy to bother to respond to his fellow colleague, Walter Block, about mistakes he had made.
I produced Sarah Emery’s e-text in 2003; in 2011 I revisited and refurbushed the text; there are horrendous problems with Sarah Emery’s booklet
Sarah Emry was the foremost propagator of the mythological Lincoln –a complete fabrication
By now you should be familiar with my “Lincoln and his Dick” article –you should read it to you keynote audience
Yes, you were one of only two people I know of who got her work out to a mass audience. I heard about it in 2008, but never heard of your revisions until 2011.
The fact that you didn’t set the record straight on the book until 2011 shows that it wasn’t a case of deliberate misrepresentation of people in trumpeting some of the claims that came out of it.
I have never claimed that Lincoln was a great champion of the people, as some have, or that he was assassinated in large part because of issuing Greenbacks.
It only came to my attention a couple years ago that he signed the Exception Clause, and that it didn’t pass with a two-thirds veto majority.
Still, many claims she makes in her book hold true, about big private bankers being behind both the Exception Clause and the bogus Credit Strengthening Act.
Indeed, I will be sharing a more full picture of Lincoln Greenbacks, thanks to only finding out about the bonds that backed a large part of them.
It doesn’t, however, change that the Greenbacks themselves were issued interest-free. The only real issue is the interest attached to those bonds, and not the principal. The value of the Greenbacks far exceeded the interest due on the bonds.
To clarify, I’m specifically referring to the value of the Greenbacks relative to the interest accrued during the three remaining years of the Civil War, for which they were intended to pay for.
FauxCapitalist – please refer us to the specific greenbacks that you claim were issued interest free?
As far as I can see, every issue included interest.
really? where did get this knowledge that they were interest-bearing? did Ellen Brown or Lucy Liu tell you that ?
“END the FED before it ENDS US”
Yes!! You finally got something right.
Larry, as I understand, the greenbacks increased the money supply just as the associated bonds did, so $450 million in interest-free greenbacks + $500 million in interest-bearing bonds “to back them up” made for a $950 million increase in the money supply.
It would be misleading to call the greenbacks interest-free without pointing out the associated interest-bearing bonds, once one is aware of them, as I only became aware of in 2012, along with Anthony, thanks to the comments of Name.
Contrary to Name’s repeated claims, I’ve seen no evidence that Ellen Brown, for instance, lied about them. Lying involves knowingly making false claims.
>>>>he did that with around $60,000 of his own money
Did he tell the truth to his listeners, or did he just regurgitate the same old that he acquired from Sarah Emery and others ?
as far as your article on the money of the constitution: you are abviously a groupie for the same reason the rest of them are groupies: you are not able to comprehend what you read, if you have read it at all.
“Actually you are 100% wrong about the states “power” to only accept gold and silver currency. Its amazing that people seriously write articles online about the fundemental governing document of our country, but clearly havent read it. ”
I could not be a guest, you are not interested in learning or facts
Name, Berry read directly from her book, where she mentions the bonds. Unfortunately, her historically inaccurate portrayal of Lincoln as a great hero of the people against “Shylock” was also relayed, in the same way that your e-text of her book ended up misleading a lot of people, as well.
How am I wrong in my interpretation of the power of the states to make legal tender laws, and if they do, to make only gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts?
I had a former Wisconsin tax judge on my show, who authored the 3 out of 4 part series, The Kiss of Judice: The Constitution Betrayed: A Coroner’s Inquest, who upheld my interpretation of the text.
What are you arguing, exactly? That the States are required to make only gold and silver coin a legal tender in payments of debts? Or that they can make anything legal tender?
turns out the nameless Troll #789 is a chicken shit
>>>>who learned about them from Sarah Emery
it is not possible to learn facts about greenbacks from Emery’s book! You would know this if you had bothered to actually learn something
in any case:
>>>>>I heard about it in 2008, but never heard of your revisions until 2011.
my memory might be failing me, but I don’t recall getting an e-mail from at the time
bring a friend, work up the courage, and expose yourself to the refurbished text:
may be, now, you can learn something
then take some really stong bravery pills and venture to the real history of the greenbacks (the one and only, because in 150 years no one dared to compile it)
Name789 said: “It is a pre-meditated lie to say that the framers and the ratifiers of the U.S. constitution were friends of government-issued paper money, that they considered anything other than gold, silver, copper coins the lawful money of the constitution of the United States. (many of these framers considered gold/silver money by nature)”
That’s where you must have misinterpreted some points of my planned talk. Read the Constitution carefully to see why my statement that it doesn’t say that money should be gold or silver coin is actually true. Or save some time and read these articles:
Speaking of Ireland and Irish politics: I watched this video from Clare Daly back in July, and have followed any mention of her since. She’s total hell on wheels in this video. This is the kind of direct questioning and straight talk the Irish people need to get back to. It’s time to hunt down the purveyors of corporatism and war, and put a bloody end to them once and for all.
Corporatism is gangsterism, racketeering, and exploitation. As long as people continue to suck up and pay homage to the corporate/capitalist paradigm, they will be little less than landless debt slaves. Lying bastards and war criminals like Barry Soetoro need to be sliced into little bits and burned.
For anyone who fails to get the drift: Clare Daly is questioning why US military aircraft that stop for refueling at Shannon airport, are not being checked for weapons and contraband. Ireland has strict political neutrality rules in place, and allowing foreign military weapons on Irish soil is against the law. Watch how the slime she’s addressing squirms in his chair. I’ve watched other videos of this confrontation, and the slimy bastard never does answer her questions. Just like his ball buddy queen, Barry Soetoro.
Clare is great when it comes to denouncing empire, but her socio-economics are socialist. Tax the rich, regulation, nothing about monetary reform. It’s the same problem with Russell Brand calling for the same thing the other day.
It’s great to hear them denounce the problem, but it’s more important to get a clear view of what we really need. For the time being there are next to none out there.
Jeremy Paxman talks to Russell Brand about radically changing the political and social paradigm. Russell Brand may seem too far out for political pundits like Jeremy Paxman, but Russell has very strong points regarding the environmental and social disasters that false democracy represents.
When 51% of the “popular” vote dictates the quality of life for the other 49% of the populace, it’s called fascism. Disenfranchising tens of millions of productive citizens from having any true impact on political policy is a morally corrupt system of governance. A mere 2% spread in a public voting pole can be manipulated all too easily. (See DieBold electronic voting machines)
I disagree with any premise of “democracy” through an electoral collage system. What balderdash. True democracy should require a minimum 80% populist majority vote, and a 100% consensus system within government agency. If no agency consensus is reached, then no policy should be signed into law. The current voting system within the Congress and Senate is too easily manipulated by corporate and private influence in the outcome of policy.
All forms of corporatism should be banned from the Earth once and for all. Corporatism is the big black bugger in ALL forms of modern political, social, and environmental policy. Corporatism is a system of fat wallowing pigs at a trough, who exploit and hold hostage the productivity of private enterprise. A revolutionary objective is needed, and completely new social paradigms are the only answer to the tyranny of our current destructive and dictatorial corporate systems.
The World Is A Business
Michael Tellinger takes on the banks – The world was meant to be free
“Spinechilling speech from the movie NETWORK in 1976 – The world is a BUSINESS! We are the slaves and the assets of those who control the business. Time to wake up and free ourselves. Nobody will do this for us. The universe is waiting for our action so that it can respond with the universal law of attraction. If you still do not understand this principle – I urge you to read and learn as much as you can – and then join the UBUNTU Liberation Movement – be the change – live the change – lose the fear. Love and Light Michael of the family Tellinger”
Corporations used to have to get charters. If the corporation worked against society, it would not be allowed to continue. Like the first and second banks of the U.S., if they engaged in bad behavior, there was a mechanism to let them die.
I wonder when corporations became perpetual? Somehow the law must have been changed, probably through bribery with usury money.
Contributing a poem ‘IBLEES KI MAJLIS E SHURA’ (THE DEVIL’S CONFERENCE) written by Sir Allama Iqbal, our National poet, discussed in details how Devil plan to control the world and the land of Allah. This poem is in Urdu language and written in 1936, following is a translation. This may interest U people.
IBLIS (King of Devils)
This ancient game of elements, this base world!
The frustration of the longings of the great Empyrean’s dwellers.
Upon its destruction is bent to‐day that Fashioner of things,
Who gave it the name, “The world of Be it so.”
I inspired in the European the dream of Imperialism:
I broke the spell of the Mosque, the Temple and the Church
I taught the destitute to believe in Destiny:
I infused into the wealthy the craze for Capitalism.
Who dare extinguish the blazing fire in him?
Whose tumults are stimulated by the inherent passion of Satan?
Who could summon the courage to bend down the old tree?
Whose branches their heights to our watering owe?
Stable is the Satanic system, no doubt there is!
It has further strengthened in the commoners their slavishness indeed.
Since the dawn of Time have these helpless mortals been ordained to prostration:
Prayer devoid of the posture of standing straight is their nature’s constant urge.
In their heart no desire can in fact take its birth:
But if it does, perchance, it dies or is left unripe.
What wonders have our hard, persistent endeavors wrought!
To‐day finds the mystics and the priests all as subjects of Imperialism.
Suited to the disposition of the East was this opium indeed:
Otherwise’ Ilm‐i‐Kalam’(discussing God) is no less self‐effacing than ‘qawwali’(song for saints) in effect, What matters it, if the tumult of the pilgrimage and tawaf (running around Kaba, Saudi Arabia) abides?
For, rendered blunt, lies unused the unsheathed sword of the Faithful.
Whose despair does this latest Ordinance prove?
“To the Muslim in this age is forbidden fighting in Lord’s name”?
Is the clamor for “Government by the people” evil or good?
Are you unaware of the fresh mischiefs of the world?
Aware am I! but tells me my cosmic foresight:
No danger from what is but a masquerade for imperialism.
We ourselves have dressed imperialism in the garb of democracy
When man has grown to be a little self‐conscious and self‐observant.
The true nature of the system of imperialism lies elsewhere:
It depends not on the existence of an individual leader of king.
Be it a national assembly of the court of Parviz, (The king of Persia)
Whoever casts a covetous eye on other’s harvest is a king.
Have you not observed the democratic system of the West?
With a brilliant exterior, its interior is darker than Genghis’s.
No cause for anxiety then, if the spirit of imperialism be preserved:
But what counter‐measure to the mischief wrought by that Jew have you?
That Moses without Light, that Jesus without the Cross:
No prophet is he, yet with him a book he carries.
I can hardly explain what significance the infidel penetrating vision possesses:
It is, methinks, the day of reckoning for the peoples of the East and the West.
No greater corruption of human nature than this would be:
Slaves have broken asunder the ropes of the masters’ tents.
Watch its counteraction in the palaces of Imperial Rome:
Again did we inspire in the descendants of Caesar the dream of Caesar?
Who is coiled round the waves of the Mediterranean?
That now expands like a pine, and then wails like a rebeck!
Little do I recognize him to be a man of far‐sighted wisdom:
(A fool!) who has thus European politics exposed.
O you! the fire of whose breath lends stability to the world‐process:
Whenever you wished, everything hidden presently did you reveal.
It is your fire that has transformed dead earth and water into a world of beauty and endeavour:
Inspired by your instruction, the fool of Paradise turns a seer
More closely familiar with man’s nature than you is not He:
Who among the simpletons is known as God the Sustainer.
Those whose business was confined to sanctifying, singing hymns and going round:
Your sense of self‐respect has out them to shame for ever, with their heads hanging low.
Though the wizards of Europe all are disciples to you:
No longer have I faith in their sagacity left.
That Jew, that mischief‐maker, that reincarnation of Mazdak:
Each tunic is about to be torn to shreds by his fanaticism.
Behold! the wild crow is vying with the falcon and the hyena:
Lo, how swiftly does the disposition of Time allow of a change!
It spread about, and covered the whole expanse of skies:
What we unwisely had taken for a handful of dust.
Such is the state of the ghastly dread of the morrow’s disturbance:
To‐day tremble with overwhelming awe, mountains, meadows and rivers all.
That world is going to turn topsy‐turvy, my Lord!
The world which resteth solely on your governance.
Absolute commands have I of the world of scent and hue!
The earth, the sun, the moon and the firmaments all
With their own eyes shall the West and the East witness the Spectcle:
When I but warm the blood of the nations of Europe
The leaders of politics and the patriarchs of church all:
One call from me would be enough to turn them mad.
The fool who considers it to be mere glass‐work:
Let him dare smash the goblets and ewers of this Civilization.
The collars torn asunder by the hand of Nature:
Can’t be darned with the needle of the Mazdakite logic.
How could I be frightened by these Socialists, straying about the streets?
Wretched and straitened, distracted in mind, incoherent in speech!
Amongst this people there are still to be seen a few
Which still a spark of ambition hidden in its ashes retains
The only menace I anticipate may come that community:
Who go so far as to perform their ablutions with the tears of pre‐morning hours.
Knows he to whom are revealed the inner secrets of Time:
Not Mazdakism, but Islam is to be the trouble of the morrow.
I do know this community is no longer the bearer of the Quran:
The same Capitalism is the religion of the Believer now
And I know, too, that in the dark night of the East
The sleeve of the holy ones of the Sanctuary is bereft of the white, illuminating hand.
The demands of the present age, however, spell the apprehension:
Lest the Shari‘ah of the Prophet should come to light one day:
Beware, a hundred times beware, of the Law of the Prophet!—
The protector of women’s honor and dignity, the tester of men’s capacities, the rearer of worthy men!
The message of death to any kind of slavery! No sovereigns and no monarchs, no mendicants begging!
It does purify wealth of all pollution:
It makes the wealthy trustees of wealth and property.
What greater revolution in thought and action will there be:
Not to the crowned heads, but to God alone does this Earth belong!
Better, if this Law be kept hidden from the world’s eye:
So much the better, the Believer himself is deprived of inner conviction.
Better that he remains busy and entangled in the metaphysical theology:
Better, that he remains busy and entangled in the interpretations of the Book of God.
Whose cries of God are Most High could break the charm of the universe:
May the dark night of that God‐thinking man not ever turn bright!
Is the Son of Mary dead or is he endowed with eternal life?
Are the Attributes of God separate from God, or do they form what He is?
Do the expected mean Jesus of Nazareth?
Or a Renewer, endowed with the attributes of the Son of Mary?
Are the letters of the Word of God New or of Old?
In which of the doctrines does the salvation of the Blessed Community lies
Are not enough to the Faithful in this age:
These idols of worship carved by Metaphysical Theology?
Keep him separate from world of character
Until he loses all the plans(tactical moves) of life
Our safety lies in that Believer remains a slave till Doomsday:
Renouncing this transitory world for others’ sake.
What is good in his case is that poetry and mysticism
Which may keep hidden from his eyes the game of Life.
Every moment do I dread the awakening of this community?
Whose religion is, in reality, nothing short of taking account of the universe?
Keep him well absorbed in the thought and contemplation of God in pre‐morning hours:
Ye all make him grow stronger in his monastic disposition!
The winged lion- just another paradox of history? It’s Babylonian symbolism.it would appear.What is it with these people,creating un-natural genetically modified aberations of nature? What people give out award certificates? It seems pretty masonic to me.”We always lead the opposition” echoes in my ears.I would keep a weather eye on this organisation,Anthony,good luck and best wishes.
Some real history;
to show further that Bill Still is habitual liar, that Ellen Brown is a liar; that all those who sold you conspiracy books in the past 130 years on Lincoln and the greenbacks were liars:—
The plan in 1861 was to establish a national currency bank system, make the notes of these banks legal-tender, have them issue $300million of their notes, and finance the war that way.
By the end of 1861 it became clear to the fathers of this plan (Gerry Spaulding, Portland Chase, Samuel Hooper, John Sherman) that this package cannot be passed in Congress in time to finance the war; so a two stage plan was adopted: first they issued legal-tender U.S. notes and a year later passed the National currency bank Act, then re-placed US notes with national bank notes
It was told to us by Elbridge Spaulding, himself, in his book on the history of legal tender U.S. notes. In December 1861, Secretary Chase requested Gerry Spaulding to prepare a national currency bank bill as soon as possible. (The text of the bills that became the legal-tender act and the national bank act, were composed by Elbridge Spaulding and Portland Chase; the bills were guided throught the House of Representatives by Samuel Hooper, and through the Senate by John Sherman.)
“while preparing the national currency bank bill, upon mature reflection [Spaulding] came to the conclusion, that it could not be passed and made available quick enough to meet the crisis then pressing upon the Government for money to sustain the Army and Navy. He therefore drafted a legal tender Treasury note section to be added to the bank bill, hoping, at first, that it might be made available by issuing legal tender notes direct from the Treasury, while the bank bill was put in operation throughout the country. In order to bring the subject of issuing legal tender fundable notes before the country, the section thus prepared by Mr. Spaulding was furnished to the New York Tribune, and published in the issue of the 31st December, 1861.”
“Upon more mature consideration and further examination, Mr. Spaulding came to the conclusion that the bank bill, containing sixty sections, could not be passed through both Houses of Congress for several months, and that so long a delay would be fatal to the Union cause. Mr. Spaulding, therefore, changed the legal-tender section, intended originally to accompany the bank bill, into a separate bill, with alterations and additions, and on his own motion introduced it into the House by unanimous consent on the 30th of December, 1861. It was read twice, and referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered printed (House Bill 182).”
“On the 2d February, 1863, the National Currency Bank bill, [Senate bill 486, to provide a national currency, secured by a pledge of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof] as prepared by Mr. Spaulding, in December, 1861, after being altered and amended in several important particulars, was reported from the Finance Committee to the Senate by John Sherman of Ohio.”
So Migchels; why did Ellen Brown lie about Lincoln and the greenbacks ? whay did she over-rate Lincoln ?
Has Bill Still ever had a day job ? –obviously B.S. did not waste $60,000 on some radio programme
Speaking of “real History” please see the following debunking of mis-information being purposely spread by name789:
name789 makes a big mistake in claiming that greenbacks were neither debt-free, nor interest-free
name789 has maliciously attacked Ellen Brown and many others over greenbacks. It turns out that he is the one who made the mistake – will he apologize and set the record straight?
Note: This post is the continuation of a thread listed below – it was being compressed to the point of being illegible
FauxCapitalist – No doubt the greenbacks increased the money supply, I’ve read several accounts that suggest that at their height, they represented around 15% of the total.
Technically; I don’t think you could call them “interest free” as they were redeemable for US Treasury debt securities that were interest bearing. Of course, even if they were created as “non-redeemable” 0% notes, they could have been used to buy interest bearing treasury bonds.
That said, I think there is a subtle but important point that needs discussed regarding greenbacks. They were effectively permanent (debt free) money. The increased circulation helped maintain a more vibrant economy.
To some degree, greenbacks were used as a stop gap measure until the bond system could be fully put in motion but never the less; they had a positive impact that folks interested in monetary reform should explore.
Agreed – I think that it is unfair to casually paint Lincoln and his administration as being dupes of the money power. For example, Ellen Brown mentions some of Henry Carey’s (chief economic adviser to Lincoln) ideas and his “American System.” Carey was very influential in this time period and it’s no accident that he has been removed from most history books. He was a shining star in the history of monetary reform.
Carey explained “The greenback has fallen on the country as the dew falls, bringing with it good to all and doing injury to none” — see Henry Carey’s War for the “General Welfare” for more details.
In 1850 the U.S, population was 23M, by 1860 is was 31 million. Industrialization was in full swing; in Chicago alone, McCormick manufactured 4000 tractors. This growth was held hostage by financial panics due to speculation in the monetary and financial sphere. There was no uniform currency, and banking was conducted by 1600 state banks, with 7000 different kinds of bank notes issued. The banks also let their rag paper credit fall apart, taking a form of usury against the public.
When Jackson and Van Buren battled the second bank, it was SOUTHERN votes that helped stop the bank. A northerner, T.P. Kettle, used statistics to show that the South was the great wealth producing section, while the north sucked up the wealth of the south.
Southern planters would be paid with Bills of Exchange (checks) of the Bank of England (BOE), but the cotton market was manipulated in New York.
In April of 1861 when war broke out, Private Banks suspended payments. The government had to come to the rescue of the private bankers, as usual.
Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln’s Treasurer, noticed there was only 100 million of Gold and Silver in the country. The amount needed to fix the banks and fight was much larger. Again, as usual, private bankers lie when they say their notes are fully redeemable in Gold.
July 17 1861 Congress authorized borrowing of up to $250M in the form of bond and interest bearing notes. They were redeemable, supposedly in Gold, and circulated freely with banknotes and Gold. They were not legal tender, but were also good for public dues and taxes. On July 17 banks suspended convertibility of notes into gold/silver coinage, and the gold market was closed for two weeks.
Congressman F.G. Spaulding, WITHOUT TREASURY SUPPORT, supported a bill to create Legal Tender Money – the Greenbacks. Spaulding said, “I am unwilling that this Government be left in the hands of any class of men, bankers, or moneylenders.” The Government is stronger than them, they only issue promises to pay (IOU’s).
Secretary Chase opposed the Greenbacks, but examination of the National Bank Act showed it would take too long.
Senator Howe of Wisconsin joined in with Spaulding and attacked those who pretended private banks had enough Gold and Silver on hand to lend to Government.
“All paper currencies every have been and ever will be irredeemable (in metal).” Senator Howe, “ I would not expose the fiction, except the great emergency… render that the nation speak the truth to itself (redeemability of paper), to have done with shams and deal with realities.”
Feb 25 1862, the Legal Tender Law passed. Treasury notes issued from 1812 were redeemable in metal. But, Greenbacks were never promises to pay in metal later. The Greenbacks were themselves money, they were issued debt free, there was no interest on them, and they did not add to the national debt.
Interest on bonds still had to be paid in coin. Import duties still had to be paid in coin (to suck metal from overseas).
The Government never issued more Greenbacks than what they were authorized. Can we say that about private banker control of money?
Holders of Greenbacks could trade them for 6% interest bonds, redeemable in 5 years, and fully payable in 20. NOTE: The principle on the bonds is paid for in Greenbacks, but the interest in Coin.
Lincoln, upon urging of the National Bank act in 1863, said that Currency can be furnished by a banking association organized under Congress. Lincoln, therefore supported banker privilege to loan money into existence, and in the same speech apologized for Greenbacks.
It was all together fitting that congress, in 1862, held their constitutional charge seriously – Section. 8:
Congress needs to step up to the plate today in reasserting our financial sovereignty by issuing greenbacks (debt and interest free money). The current economy is in dire need of more money as the circulation is being devoured by existing debt and our only means of obtaining it are through new debt.
They should not wait for the president to issue emergency edicts or for 12th hour, behind the scenes bank bail-outs to take place.
If we direct spent Greenbacks into households, said households would then spend their new money in the lower loop economy. We could monitor debt free money such that it enters the double entry ledger, then pays down debt instruments by decrementing the ledger (asset column for banker), and then greenbacks disappear. Our debt loans were never the bankers credit to begin with, so banker doesn’t get to keep the greenbacks. Greenbacks disappear into the ledger just like banker credit money does.. Modern Greenbacks would be abstract numbers injected into bank accounts. The physical form of Greenbacks, if desired, would say “Treasury Note” or my favorite “Monetary Authority Note.” (Fourth branch of government monetary authority is closely aligned with the people, something like a Sheriff.)
So, we can continue to inject direct spend into the bottom loop of producing households until the balance sheet recession (high private debts) is over. The BSR is over when people are no longer in debt bondage. It is over when they can trade their output with each other, rather than having their output vector away toward debt payments. Look at it this way, if 50 percent of your pay is flying away to pay debts, then it is not going to purchase what other people produce, and vice versa.
When debt instruments are allowed to grow with usury, and also other tricks – such as vectoring money away from the supply, it allows bankers to harvest the population.
No amount of “austerity” can change the exponential of usury compounding debt instruments, especially when it takes exponentially more future debt to pay off the compounding past debt. It is a form of insanity that mankind finds itself in now. I wish our politicians had more than two digits in their IQ’s.
It is more clear this way: The MA loans the bankers our Sovereign Credit i.e. our nations guarantee. This loan effectively buys all of the private outstanding debt instruments. Direct spend Greenbacks then properly enter the money supply into households, then, vector into the bank upon debt service: Banker then turns around to pay off his loan. The MA is now holding the former Greenback, and they may choose to reissue or not, depending on lawful targets. Private banks become deposit only, not issue. Private bankers earn their now honest living with fees.
If the Treasury wants money to run the country, they tax the people of their Greenbacks and then respend for Government needs..
“the Venetian Empire, which, according to many, birthed the modern Money Power.” The Venetians were capitalists, but probably not the money power as we know it today. Venetians were racially different from the predominate Italians, probably originally coming from the Black Sea area.
Venice’s secret was the east west gold/silver ratio. The Venetians were also master shipbuilders, and had great flat bottomed boats that could hold tons of Cargo. Venice drained silver from the West, and would ship it through the canal in Alexandria Egypt. Jews and Muslims would move silver and slaves east, and bring Gold, spices, and luxury goods West. Venice was a capitalist hub in the old Eastern/ Mediterranean world. Western slaves were gelded/castrated en route to Muslim lands. (The Eastern African slave trade held the same pattern, where up to half of them would die enroute to Muslim lands, particularly after the Negros had been castrated.)
To my eye, the modern money power got its birth in Amsterdam, which in turn was invaded by Sephardic Jews who followed the Portuguese. When the southern route around Africa was discovered, the Portuguese moved quickly and took over the East/West Mechanism. This is how tiny Portugal got so wealth so quickly. Amsterdam became a hub, where the Portuguese off loaded gold and spices, much as the Venetians had done before them.
Jews in Amsterdam could not easily take rents on money because of the state bank, which was a bank of deposit, not issue. However, there were about 700 unlicensed Jewish brokers in the stock exchange, who then invented puts, calls, front running, bag men, and all of the other financial trickery we see today. They also worked closely with the Calvinists who in turn helped install the Orange Kings in England. I would suggest it is this same broker group that funded the Calvinists and as well printed up bibles by the thousands to sell/give to the English. The orangists in Amsterdam, Jew and Christian alike, were the pointy tip of the spear when they invaded England. The invasion came to fruition with the Bank of England in 1694, the first time a private bank hosted a people and a Government.
The modern money power is characterized by debt spreading and perverting the law to its advantage. It also must spread lies, like Gold is money and any paper issued must be fully redeemable in Gold, etc.
Now, the lie is that debt is money, and all money must come into existence with debt instruments, etc.
The other characteristic of modern money power is demonizing government, especially those organs of government that represent the only force able to stop or control private rent taking.
Loaning money into existence, and stock market capital got its origins in Amsterdam, and the people who invented the methods were primarily Sephardic Jews. The native people of Holland eventually became dissipated, as even they got involved in the frenzy of “international lending” and not producing for their common welfare.
All Bank debts apparently are fictitious.
Show Me The Loan!
“When a bank makes a loan they must follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Title 12 of the United States Code, § 1831n (a) requires all Federally-insured (FDIC) banks to follow GAAP. GAAP requires the use of double entry bookkeeping journal entries. Double entry bookkeeping journal entries work like this. When a bank accepts cash, checks, negotiable instruments, promissory notes, or any other similar instruments from a customer and deposits or records the instruments as an asset, they must record an offsetting liability that matches the asset they accepted from the customer. The liability shows they owe the customer the money they accepted from the customer.”
Conceptually, it would be a simple matter to make debts not fictitious. A new fourth branch of government, the monetary authority (MA), gives all private banks a loan equal to the amount represented on their debt instruments. In other words, double entry mechanics requires bank’s asset column be repaid. The banker’s asset, the loan, is a liability to debtor. The money supply is then mostly bank “credit” that must reflux to the ledger, to then disappear.
When this credit money/debt IOU refluxes to the ledger, the banker will have to turn around and pay off his MA loan. As the banker’s asset column decrements, so does the MA loan. Initially, right after MA loan, banks are required to become banks of deposit, not issue. Private bankers are then stripped of their right to make credit money using double entry hypothecation. Private Banks are no longer banks of issue. A deposit bank, by contrast, intermediates between creditors and debtors using existing money, i.e. savings of depositors. With a real money supply and banks of deposit, the money supply is not constantly draining, nor is it countersigned in a hypothecation domino of weak interlocking counterparties, all based on a hypothetical future.
During the transition, as banker credit money disappears into ledger, the volume can be monitored with simple accounting. Simultaneously, real money can be spent debt free into channels of production. Personally, I would issue money into households so they get first seigniorage. However, the principle stands; new money enters the supply and has a path that is beneficial to the people. It is not dead capital aggregating into Oligarchy. This money supply does not drain rapidly, and will circulate in the lower loop of producers. The producers can work their way out of debt while creating wealth, as money pays off debts.
From then on, the MA then monitors the money supply, and applies known principles to prevent usury and rent taking. If the other three branches of government need money, they have to tax the people, and thus justify their actions to the people.
Ireland broke all of the rules: 1) Never let your debt instruments point outside of your legal system. It is too easy for the instruments to vector away from the local money supply; hence money/debt instruments cannot get back together. 2) Never let your sovereign money be used by others. 3) Your money supply path must be forced into paths of production and useful savings. 4) Any credit as money needs to have the ability to be jubileed. 5) Any credit as money that is created should create future productivity (not vector into useless consumption).
So, when debt/credit relations are formed in a real money system, there will always be money in the supply to pay off saving creditors. Debt instruments are still created at banks, only real money pays off the debt, and the holders of debt instruments are former savers. Banker created money IOU’s paying off their created debt is an oxymoron of today’s world.
Any credit in the system should probably be sovereign hence it can be jubileed e.g. rule 1. The credit as money in this case is beneficial due to its nature and path. It front loads the production chain, and helps smooth out the S shaped curve of most economies. For example, If Farmers cannot borrow enough real money (to plant) from savers, and then sovereign credit should be available. Sovereign credit is a pile of “numbers” available to be loaned under the proper conditions, especially for industry and production, but not so much that it distorts the money supply beyond its natural elasticity requirements.
The money supply should be mostly money, some debt instruments held by savers, and some sovereign credit. All of these money supply types are vectoring appropriately to benefit the people, and not oligarchy.
Public banks are perhaps an interim step away from our current mal-formed system, but they still have private banks underneath them; private banks will still want to hypothecate/loan new IOU credit into existence hence reserving unwarranted money power. Public/private banker credit systems then take usury from society and guide it improperly. Public banks are probably a diversion from a real solution. The money power should NOT be private. Anything done in secret by man ultimately has bad outcomes.
Regarding the Consitution:
Synthesis, Antithesis, and Thesis were alive and well during and after the Revolution. The private Bank of England had been formed in 1694, and was debt spreading their population, while simultaneously subverting the Colonials, and making them pay for all trade in metal, while also forcing them to accept BOE banknotes. (This BOE behavior is the main reason for the Revolutionary War, as well.)
Meanwhile, there was Adam Smith, another economist stooge, who was spreading the myth that so much money was a weight in metal. Hamilton fell under Smith’s influence and somehow came into possession of Smith’s books. Smith’s most certainly must have been aware of the MIXT money’s case, where the real definition of money was laid out. All in all, there were many propaganda attacks, similar to what we have today.
So, when we think of the constitution, it needs to be put into the Hegelian context. During the articles of Confederation (before the constitution), Article 9, gave Congress the power to emit “Bills of Credit” which is paper money just like the Continental. It also must be said that the Continental helped win the war against the most powerful nation on earth at that time.
The merchant class wanted the money power for themselves so they grasped for it before during and after the revolution. The merchant class predates the banking class in this case, but as we see today, the bankers and corporations (merchants) have merged.
This part of humanity, the double side of man’s nature – the greed, is why I will continue to say we need a monetary authority. It can be constituted safely with safeguards. But, I digress.
There were many, probably BOE funded agents (Rothschild also was already making his moves), at work in the Colonies, trying to subvert the money power for themselves.
One subverter was Robert Morris (Jew), who became rich from war profits. Morris’ partner was Thomas Willing, who was accused of being a traitor. Morris tried to start a bank, but couldn’t get overseas funds, and then he tried to start a private bank in Philadelphia, but was blocked by other merchants.
Morris then wormed his way into the Philadelphia bank, and Congress appointed him Superintendent of Finance in Feb 1781. Alexander Hamilton sent him congratulations and urged him to promote a National Bank. No doubt Morris and Hamilton were working together. As can be seen later, when the first bank charter is allowed to lapse, the stockholders in the first bank were 2/3 ENGLISH! The revolution was not fought, so money powers could BACK DOOR the Americans. And the pun is intended, where the back door has sexual connotations. They fully intended on ramming us in our behind.
We also know that later Hamilton and the Federalists used inside (congressional) knowledge to buy up war bonds on the cheap. They then used the bonds at FACE VALUE to fund the first bank. It is always the credit of the people somehow subverted for elitist wannabies. In this case the shattered bodies of Patriots funded these elitists.
So, these slime balls were fully operating even before the Constitutional Convention.
The Convention met from May to September (6 months) 1787, but there was no discussion of coinage money power until August 16’th.
Jefferson and Thomas Paine, the most advanced students of money, were not there. Franklin was so old somebody else had to give his closing speech.
Before and during the convention, Witherpoon’s book “Essay’s on money” was published ANONYMOUSLY. This book attacked government money and lauded debt spreading and metal. Digging a little deeper we see he is an Orangist Calvinist of the same stripe that installed the BOE.
The constitutional convention ignored the writings of Franklin, Locke, Berkely, Raithby, Paulus, Plato, Aristotle. Their contemporary, William Barton in 1786 proposed a united American paper currency to be based on Franklin’s successful Pennsylvania system. All of this was ignored.
During the convention, the bills of credit feature of the Articles of Confederation came up, Morris and Butler of course was against it.
The committee voted 9 to 2 to not include the phrase “to emit bills of credit.” The moneyed interests tried to get a clause to FORBID emitting bills of credit, but they failed.
The constitution is now silent on this (Bill of Credit) power, neither Directly conferring nor forbidding. (There is indirect powers as Larry mentions ).
But, for sure, we should not take the constitution as some standard born in perfection. The money powers were working violently to suppress the new nation, and they caused enough chaos and confusion to m
Ireland, if any Irish are reading:
Give the EU the finger. Creating bonds in order to borrow Euro Credits from a German bank, is wrong on many levels. Economists are often (mostly) liars or confused, paid for shills, who earn their living from usury out of the banking community. When your debt bonds and your money go different paths, you end up in un-payable debt.
“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.”
Some may find this information to be useful –
“…Banks do not have pre-existing funds in the form of legal tender to lend, except in miniscule amounts relative to the size of their loan portfolios.1 In other words, banks create demand deposits out of nothing, and it therefore remains a nothing. The malpractice continues because public accountants as auditors sanctify the aforementioned practice by “certifying” the banks’ financial statements, provoking credit expansion, moral hazard, asset bubbles, liquidity-stressed financial markets, bank runs, and eventually global financial crises……”
“………Recoupment – (1) The recovery or regaining of expenses Applying the setoff so you can get back what you gave and what you are entitled to. (2) The withholding for the equitable part or all of something that is due. This is all equitable action in admiralty style instruments.
Blacks Law Dictionary:
IOU – a memorandum acknowledging a debt. See also a due bill.
SIGHT DRAFT – A draft that is due on the bearers demand; or on proper presentment to the drawer. Also termed a demand draft. A draft is an unconditional order signed by one person, the drawer directing another person, the drawee, to pay a certain sum of money on demand or at a definite time to a person, the payee, or to bearer.
This is colorable. Who is holding the debt? A due bill is like a sight draft. They are not saying from which perspective it is a debt, from theirs or yours. The party receiving the IOU is the debtor, because the IOU is an asset. It is an instrument, and you are the originator. You have …………”
Upon “approval, banks accept your signed “credit card” agreement as a promissory note and deposits your note as an asset.
That note is then “monetized,” and “deposit multiplied” by a factor of 10. For example, a $1,000 credit limit, agreement/promissory note is monetized to $10,000.00. $1,000.00 is credited to the “credit card” company’s bank account. And the rest, $9,000.00, is gravy. (Did you get a kiss? A thank-you? $100.00 on the dresser?)
The banks use the attributes of the Federal Reserve “deposit multiplier,” to enrich themselves by a factor of 9 times the amount of the “deposit.” ($9,000.00 in the example above). (This “multiplier” factor can go as high as 23 times the deposit amount).
And now, it gets even better for the banks, because every time you use their “credit card” and sign a purchase transaction “receipt” slip, as authorized agent for the bank, you create another promissory note, which the merchant deposits into his account as cash. Then, the banks once again, use the “deposit multiplier” money manufacturing scam to enrich themselves by a factor of approximately 9 times the amount of the new deposit; the face value amount of your “credit card” purchase transaction.
The Merchant’s bank deposits all of the signed “credit card” slips and uses the “deposit multiplier” money manufacturing scam to enrich themselves by a factor of approximately 9 times the amount of the deposit. And on, and on, and on.
How many times does this happen? How many times have you and many others used a credit card?
The criminal banks could not enrich themselves without YOU signing the notes, in ignorance, playing their fools’ game.
And not only that, in the example above, it is a fact that the credit card company gained a full $1,000 from the original agreement that was signed by YOU.
Even if you never use the credit card, the “credit card” company has received unjust enrichment of $1000 + $9000 (deposit multiplier) on the operation of the scam based upon your participation, by your signature on the promissory note or credit card agreement.
The credit card company is paid in full by the value of YOUR signature on all those promissory notes YOU generate. The credit card company is never at any risk and never loses a penny even if YOU never pay.
YOU were robbed. Non-disclosure of the facts is fraud!
TruthHurts: You commented: “The fact that you speak of immigration as a big problem already shows how well oiled, poisoned, and manipulated, just perfectly manipulated you are by the press barons who own the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and so on..”
Immigration policy in the United States has put my business and my way of life into the trash heap of history. I no longer own a business, nor have a career, or a home. I can rent a glorified slum from some asshole that doesn’t even have US citizenship, yet is legally happy to extort money from me. I’m 62 years old, and those in the corporate world basically want me and my entire generation to drop dead.
I’m not manipulated by ANY power, period. I always remain intellectually independent and reserve the right to have my own belief, which is atheistic. I don’t back down to false god’s, bullshit artists, or cowards that attempt to attack my sovereignty or credibility. I’ve been around a few nicks and places that most people would cringe away from. Most people under the age of 40 have no clue about what’s going on in the world. They view everything through their little plastic cell toys, and think they’re high tech and intelligent. Most can’t even write in English.
The baking cartels don’t need any more bluffing and coddling. ALL corporate executive staff need to be arrested and imprisoned for the rest of their lives. The Federal Reserve System, IMF, and World Bank should be BANNED and thrown off American soil. All corporate entities should be BANNED and made permanently illegal. It’s a slave system, and only god-fearing dolts and throwbacks would put up with it.
by W. Finnerty — http://www.opednews.com/Diary/A-German-inspired-Irish-G-by-William-Finnerty-120509-848.html
“I’d fully support this idea of yours: particularly if it resulted in the severing of all dependency on the Global Banking Cartel for our national money supply.
“I believe the Republic of Ireland should provide itself with its its own debt-free and interest-free money supply: for its own responsible purposes and needs. Otherwise, it cannot truthfully claim to be an independent sovereign nation state: which we fully deserve to be, and have every right to be (in my opinion).
“The whole idea of the Republic of Ireland “borrowing” its money from the Global Banking Cartel, who create it out of nothing, and then charge us interest on it, looks like pure unadulterated madness to me. By such completely unnecessary and totally avoidable borrowing, we place ourselves in a position of making ourselves doubly indebted to the Global Banking Cartel: i.e. for the “loan”, and for the interest on the “loan”.
“Collectively, it seems to me that our Government (Executive, Legislative, and Judicial) badlyneeds to have its head examined regarding the way it appears to be so enthusiastic about its continuing efforts to support the Global Banking Cartel and all its socially destructive ways and works: not least the ESM impunity arrangements, which are designed to “lawfully” enable the Global Banking Cartel to commit crime with impunity. The cheek of the bastards!!”